01-27-2017, 03:43 AM
SEMINAR 1: Yeti Challenge :: The Abominable Snow Run An hour and a half after the school's lunch break, Healer Reed who was decked in his full winter gear paced back and forth at the Entrance Hall with his hands tucked behind him as he waited for the students to arrive. As he reviewed the activity in his mind, he could not help but grin once in a while, thinking that he never imagined that he will be back in Hogwarts to teach, and execute health and wellness activities.
While the man paced back and forth, Roscoe and Bumi, his Newfoundland dogs sat directly in front of the colossal doors and watched their master, waiting for his command. Both are wearing their scarves and first aide jackets, ready to take part in the activity.
If you’re here for the Yeti Challenge, come on down in your full winter gear and wait along with the others. We will start the activity shortly. OOC: Welcome to the first Healer’s Health and Wellness Program! Post your charries joining Healer Reed and we will start in approximately 12-24 Hours from this post. Please read our RULES, before posting. Thank you! Seminar Progression:- Greetings + Question 1
- Answers for Question 1 + Question 2 + Mini-Activity
- Answers for Question 2 + Main Activity
Quote: YETI CHALLENGE :: ABOMINABLE SNOW RUN- GIANT SNOW STAIRS: Crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch. The run towards the first obstacle isn’t an easy one. The snow on the ground is quite thick, burying your feet, ankle deep! But just a few metres ahead, you see giant snowballs piled up one after another, making it a decent snow mound. Climb it and go on to your next challenge;
- INTO THE YETI’S HOLE!: Ahead are four rows of low triangular trusses, each stretching about 4 meters in length. Get on all fours and crawl your way through to the other end!;
- GET A SNOW TUBE AND DRAG UP THE CHRISTMAS TREE: To get to the next course, you have to drag a miniature Christmas tree up a smaller mound! Trust me on this. You need the extra altitude!
- SLIP AND SLIDE SNOW TUBING!: Fasten your Christmas Trees, ride the snow tube, and slide your way down to the starting point! A 500 meter snow slide should be enough to keep the blood pumping!
- TEA AND COCOA!: Once you reach the end, you will see that a table has been set up for you to take you pick: TEA or HOT CHOCOLOATE? Oh and there’s a couple of zinc lozenges too. Best to get a few if you feel like you’re going to have a cold!
- Closing Remarks / Catch up opportunity / Seminar Dismissed!