Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium Quote:
Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft Ahhh, Wes could listen to the sound of her laugh all day, he really could. He scoffed slightly as she spoke and he shook his head, "Follow me around? They would have to notice I exist first. " He pointed out as he shook his head, only to still fully at her next words..
Truth was.. he did need her. Terribly. Because she was his perfect girl.
He managed a half a smile at her, "I'll always need you Tal. Never doubt that. " Was all he managed to get out. This was harder than it had been.. he was so tempted to just blurt or his feelings and let the chips fall where they may..
But he has barely gotten his mouth open when.. "Wes!" Andrina had spotted her son and was slowly making her way over to him, her hand holding onto a smaller person who was almost too excited for his own good! She pushed her black hair out of her face, her bright purple eyes looking down at the toddler that was dragging her along.. "All right Phe.. go see Wes! " She said as she let go of the little boys hand and laughed as her little monster started to run at full tilt towards his older brother! Phe was excited to see Wessy! He had gotten a new toy broomstick and he wanted to show him! The small boy with his messy black hair charged towards his brother. His winter clothes making him look slightly like a charging blue marshmallow!
His light lilac eyes were wide with excitement as he hurled himself into his older Brothers arms! "Wessy! Wessy!!" Hugggggsssssssssssss
He turned his head and looked at the girl next to his brother, his little head tilting as he studied her.. He leaned his head on Wes's shoulder, still looking at the girl.. Wes grinned as he saw his mother and then managed to catch the hurdling child coming towards him.. "Hey buddy, how are you? " He asked as he hugged Phe tightly and smiled at him and his mom.. "Tal, this is my Mother Andrina Black, and my little brother Phoenix! " He said with a smile. Not only did she tilt her head at him but she also arched an eyebrow at his reply. "Any girl that doesn't take notice to you needs to have their eyes checked." Seriously.
Huh? What was happening? Tallyn took in the expression on his face and the way he stilled at her words. Had she said something wrong? Aaww he needed her. A bright smile formed on her lips as she grabbed his arm and tugged him closer for a hug. "I know, Wes. I need you too...I'm sure you already know that though." She'd proved it enough by always turning to him when she needed cheering up.
Letting him go and stepping back from the hug Tal smiled at him. Now what was it he was going to say? It looked like he was about to say something but was interrupted. Her head turned at the shout of her friends name and her eyes landed on a women with dark hair matching Wes'. That had to be his mother and the little boy in blue barreling towards them had to be Phoenix.
Her thoughts were confirmed by the kid shouting 'Wessy' and Wes picking him up. A small teasing grin formed on her lips cause she'd be teasing him about this later. "Hello, it's nice to finally get to meet you," Tal smiled in greeting towards Andrina. "Hi, Phoenix your big brother has told me lots about you." Aaww he was adorable with that messy hair and bright eyes. She couldn't help but look back and forth between the two boys several times.
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