~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. SPOILER!!: Fiyero! <3 Quote:
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy Fiyero needed candy, like now! His stash that he'd bought in Diagon Alley over the summer was dwindling, and the candy that some of the professors offered only went so far to satisfy his sweet tooth. But what kind should he get?
The third year Gryffindor blinked confusedly as he walked inside Honeydukes. Whoa, where was everybody?! Usually this was one of the busiest shops in Hogsmeade! Oh well, on the bright side, now he wouldn't have to fight the crowds. He perused the displays, picking up a few things as he went. Some Every Flavor beans, some Jelly Slugs and Pepper Imps, a few chocolate frogs... Man, that was a lot of candy! He was having trouble holding it all. Shifting everything to his left hand, he clumsily managed to draw his wand and cast a levitation charm. There, now he didn't have to hold everything!
Rachel decided that she would leave for Hogsmeade on her own today. Not planning anything to do with her friends was something new since she always did. She couldn't wait to see how the day would unfurl. Deciding that she would first stop at Honeydukes, the fourth year gracefully stepped into the shop.
Perhaps she was a tad early because the shop didn't have many students milling around. One particular person caught her eyes. "Hello, Fiyero. Will you be sharing any of those?'' Rachel smiled. He didn't have to share if he didn't want to but knowing the boy, she was sure he would even if she told him she was only teasing. |