Thread: High Street
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Old 01-26-2017, 02:52 AM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by kayquilz View Post
Astrea had put together her outfit very carefully and had asked Junia for LOOOAAADS of help because this was her first ever date and she had to be ON POINT.


And also cool.

So she was waiting for Sam impatiently because they hadn't exactly decided WHERE their date would be. She was kinda' hoping not Puddifoot's. That seemed...too...........cutesy. And like what if she was expected to kiss Sam lots there? She thought maybe the Three Broomstick's would be nicer. So the third year was bouncing on the balls of her feet as she so so so so SO EXCITED HER HEART WAS BOUNCING AND HER BRAIN WAS BOUNCING AND HER ENTIRE EXISTENCE WAS BOUNCING IN THIS MOMENT.

Her cheeks were flushed.

She felt nervous.


She was running late. The thing with her brother had overrun, and Sam frowned as she checked her watch and anxiously scurried along the street. She'd been planning to pop into the loo to change her top to something a little cooler, even run a brush through her hair, before meeting with the Gryffindor, but she didn't have time now. Not in these shoes. Hopefully Astrea wouldn't mind her as she was.

All that time worrying about a change of outfit, and it was irrelevant. Ah well. She did have some make up on at least. A carefully crafted line of eyeliner that had taken too many attempts to count, and the briefest lick of mascara so that she didn't risk ruining the former. Her nails were painted with the mood-changing polish that Astrea had gifted her. In hindsight, that might not have been the best of ideas.

The nerves came as she spotted her friend, ahem, date, and Sam slowed her pace. Her stomach knotted, not for the first time today, and she took a moment to catch her breath. She was completely overdressed, that was for sure, and the Ravenclaw shoved her spare hand awkwardly into her jacket pocket. Well, Dora's jacket pocket, since it was her wardrobe it'd been borrowed from. The other was holding a small terracotta pot, barely bigger than her fist. The surface was covered in moist soil, and the smallest of green shoots had started to peek through.

She swallowed slowly, before crossing the street and closing the gap between them. "Sorreh I'm late," she announced her arrival with a crooked grin. "I brought yeh a present though." She held out the pot.

Present then hug? Was that the right way to start a date?

She didn't know.
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