Thea ^_^ ♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<# Esme had a weird craving for macaroni and cheese; not weird in the sense that she never wanted macaroni and cheese - it was one of her favourites - but weird in the sense that it came out of nowhere. Looked like she had no choice but to stop off at the Three Broomsticks for some and a glass of butterbeer. She was getting excited just at the thought of it!
Opening the door, she was surprised to see that she was the only student there. Shouldn't there be a big crowd by now? Slightly confused, she found herself a table and took a seat before glancing at the menu. Just in case she decided that she wanted something on top of her macaroni and cheese. Esme was a growing girl and she would be 17 in February. Hard to believe that she and her sister were almost of age. Their mother would probably cry about it as 'her babies were growing up'. Really it was just a really exciting prospect to her though she had never kissed a boy before.
Her thoughts jumped to Oliver but it was ridiculous. She would never be more than a friend to him. Sighing, she laid her head on the table sadly. It would never be any use to carry on with this silliness when it was never going to happen. |