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Old 01-25-2017, 04:01 AM   #5 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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Aww see, she wasn't scary AT ALL. Unless she was mad, then it was definitely open for debate. Ask a certain Ravenclaw and he'd say Dora was certifiable, but that wasnt true. Nope. Not at all.

"I do! And Junia, too. Rula is one of my friends, though. Junia and I are acquaintances at best. " Not that the kid needed that information, but hey maybe it was necessary? Whatever. And she was careful not to mention Professor Botros. She knew how much it hurt to suffer loss. If any of them wanted to talk to her the could, but she knew not to push or be thoughtless about such things.

Shaking his hand she gave a soft smile before picking up a piece of bacon again. Bacon good. Yes, yes.

"Gryffindor is the best house. You'll see. I hated Hogwarts when I got here. Wanted to go home immediately. I missed my father something fierce, you know. Cried my first two yerms, I think. My dorm mates hated me for being so mopey. " The last wasn't necessarily true. They hated her for totally different reasons most of them. None of it had to do with her crying. Haha. "And homework. Ugh. Such a drag. I'm in OWL year so it's well stressful, it is. " Which that was probably more than she had said to most people the whole of the term, but the ickle Botros was decidedly easy to talk to.

"What's your favorite subject so far?" If he said DADA they could totally go start a fire... but she was resigned to the fact that not everyone enjoyed the subject quite like her, nor did everyone enjoy fire and destruction.

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