I told you I'd be here and I told you I had a picture I wanted to use!
• What kind of silly are you? { graphic type }: A signature and avatar would be swell!
• Shows us your silliest face! { graphic photos }: Well this is my album, and that is his face. AND the picture(s) I was talking about were the ones of him in the green top against the white wall? If you can do anything with them. YOU KNOW I LOVE YOU.
• Are you super silly in a small package? Or just a tiny bit silly in a taller one? { graphic size }: Signature no taller than 180, please!
• Tell us your silliest story. { graphic text }: His name? House? PREFECT? IDK MAN. I usually like just his name, but I like you and the stuff you make so.
• Sometimes you feel like a {silly} nut! Sometimes, you don't! { graphic extras }: HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST SHOT.
• Put something silly in the world that hasn't been there before! { character info for our inspiration }: I think you know Rooney better than I do, Kerri...