Mason covered his nose behind one of his fingers jelly-jinxed hands as he made his way towards the hospital. The nose had stopped bleeding but he didn't want anyone to see the dried blood in case someone stopped him to ask questions. And he really did not want to tell anyone HOW he gotten in this state. He'd find Dora later and demand his wand back. Yes, she still had his wand. Ugh.
Entering the check in area, the Ravenclaw walked towards a little sign that read he had to sign up. He laughed. Though he wasn't really laughing. How was he supposed to write with fingers like jelly?!
He picked up the self inking quill and it dropped on the paper immediately. This was no use. He would kick at the door for the Healer to come but he didn't want any more trouble. So after a quick look around to see if no one could see him, he picked up the quill with his mouth and began to write.
The writing was illegible and he laughed again when he looked at it. Perhaps this was better, if the Healer couldn't make out what it said he would be on the top of the list.
Pushing the piece of paper in the niche beside the door and then turned around to sit and wait.
Patient’s Name: Mason Winslow
Patient’s Year & House: Sixth - Ravenclaw
Accompanied By: N/A
Link(s) to post(s) where the injury or illness happened:
broken nose -
Jelly fingers jinx