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Old 01-24-2017, 08:29 AM   #16 (permalink)

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Join Date: Jan 2016
Posts: 1,028

Storm was bored. The prank in the bistro was funny, but not funny enough. He could do better!

He zoomed onto the balcony carrying a bucket of fish and threw some of them at the Gryffindork girlie's head. "Fish in your hair! FISH IN YOUR HAIR!!!!"

Then the polter!kid flew up to the firstie and stuck another fish RIGHT IN HER FACE! "Ooh, give us a kiss!!!" He started making kissy noises as he moved the fish's lips up and down.

No kiss? Okay, then. He dropped the slimiest fish he had down the Ravenclod girlie's shirt. But he wasn't quite done yet.

For his grand finale, Storm grabbed the biggest fish and slapped the professie that was here in the face with it. There! If that didn't make Dadsie proud, he didn't know what would!

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