Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict Astronomy had been one of those subjects that Elle had been undecided about for years, yet she hadn’t quite given up on it yet. If anything, having a new professor was bringing a new interest for her. In any case, she had found herself making her way up to the towers, curious what they’d be studying this time. Especially as she’d arrived to the classroom to see the art supplies. That was unexpected, for sure. Even for Hogwarts, unless she’d somehow gotten things mixed up and this was Muggle studies.
No, it was definitely the Astronomy classroom, the planet images and other space-related paintings proved that, if the professor hadn’t. “Hello Professor Salvatore,” she greeted the woman at the front with a smile, making her way to a table. Once there, she’d settled into the seat and turned her attention to the picture in front of her. Definitely the planets, but then she already knew that. Hoepfully they’d learn something new.
__________________ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees 
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥ ♥ ♥ |