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Old 01-19-2017, 03:28 AM   #3 (permalink)

Mountain Troll
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SPOILER!!: I am not worthy
Originally Posted by Felixir View Post

Abraham Botros Jr. (yes, junior) ((the second one)) (((actually maybe the third))) ((((but technically the first and only Abraham Altaïr Botros)))) (((((but STILL Abraham Botros Jr. because he said so))))) was still not entirely convinced about this whole 'Gryffindor' business. He was a HUFFLEPUFF at heart, and it was the heart that mattered actually. But he had actually been gravitating to the Slytherin table, even now, to try and stick with his cousins (oh how he regretted not striking a deal with that Hat and agreeing to Slytherin, at least then he could have stayed with family). But only SOMETIMES. And actually, he spent more and more time sitting with the Gryffindors these days actually. Because he had started making FRIENDS actually.

Today, when Abey walked into the Great Hall for breakfast, he gave the Gryffindor table a quick cursory look for anyone he knew, and had spoken to before. But no luck, there didn't appear to be any friends there. So, of course, he looked instead towards the Slytherin table, but had no joy there either. No cousins. In fact, he couldn't find anyone he knew in here. Nobody.

Naturally, the immediate reaction was to assume that he was somehow here at the wrong time, or had fallen into some strange other universe, or that everyone who was usually here had decided to leave overnight and had been immediately replaced with people he didn't know. But Abey did his best to think LOGICALLY about that, like mama always told him to do. LOGICALLY, that was unlikely to have happened, and actually even though Abey didn't know anyone yet here, he recognised almost all of them. So he was just... here a little earlier than usual, perhaps.

Biting at the tip of his index finger a little in his anxiety, Abey did his best to cajole himself along and, though he was suddenly feeling very lonely and also missing mama quite a lot actually, he would not let himself be dissuaded from the joy of food. So Abey went ahead and joined the Gryffindor house table, but a more empty and quiet section, away from the rabbles of people he didn't know and that were all older and were sort of actually maybe a little bit scary actually.

Taking a seat, he started loading up his plate with toast and bacon. A lot of it too. He was a growing boy, you see, and growing boys needed lots of bacon energy.

Dora had been lost in thought as she nibbled at a piece of extra crispy bacon. That was, until Abey Botros joined the table... and sat right beside her. Oh! ANOTHER BOTROS! Dora had seen him at the sorting, and later in the common room, but had been too Pre occupied to speak just yet. As luck would have it though, on this very day, he sat right beside her. She was, in her not so humble opinion, one of the best Gryffindors around! Maybe she could convince him to go start a fire with her later?!

First things first, though. "You're Abey Botros right? I'm Dora! I'm friends with Rula and Bast. ...hey can you save me some bacon? " she teased at the last, grin in place.

Wiping her greasy fingers on her robes, the blonde extended a hand toward the younger boy. "Dora Umbridge. " She was aware she had introduced herself as Dora already, but still... maybe a surname was best? Anyway. Who knew!

"I've seen you round the common room. How are you adjusting? " Her chocolate brown eyes swept his face before she focused on her bacon again. She knew what it was to kind of hate your surroundings, after all. She had been antI Hogwarts until like... last term! Maybe she could be of assistance. Or distraction. Whatever the baby Botros needed, Dora Umbridge was at his service!
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