Facinelli<3 RP Sweetheart
Okay. All she had to do was swing her leg over the broomstick and hold on to it. She could do that. Ava was surprised at how nervous she felt right now. She had been quite excited this morning, but now she felt sure she would mess up somehow. Fall off her broom, maybe.
But the teacher only said to hover for a little bit. It wasn't like she could hurt herself very much doing that. She swung her leg over the broomstick and grabbed a hold of the handle with her right hand. She held on quite tightly, but she could do this. She was going to try, anyway.
Taking a deep breath she pointed her broomstick towards the air and waited for the whistle. 3... 2... 1... NOW! "Ahh!" She had tapped her foot against the ground, quite forcefully. Feeling pretty surprised to find herself actually in the air, she had forgotten to concentrate on much of anything, and in a flash found herself on the ground again with a bit of a thud.
Oh well. That was just her first try. Time to give it another go.