Arithmancy Lesson #1: Kundalini & Tantric Numerology The classroom looks quite different today. Instead of the normal worktables there is a circle of meditation pillows on the ground. Small personal use lap desks that those familiar with muggle technology will recognize as being laptop desks are situated next to each of the pillows. A small collection of handmade metal bowls sit near the cushion that Professor Greyvson lounges atop. The bowls have lit candles behind them and the scent light floral scent of the burning lavender and jasmine incenses permeate the air. It is almost as if Professor Vance had donated some of her incense for the class.
A small chalkboard sits on the wall behind Professor Greyvson with simple instructions on the board. Please take a seat on one of the meditation pillows, class will begin momentarily. Resting on one of the yet unused pillows is Yeti, Professor Greyvon’s lab puppy and class mascot.
Class Progress: Task/Question 1: Express what you want to cover in Cultural Arithmancy & something you feel would be covered in those sections Question 2: What are these bowls? Information / Q3: Meditation & Balancing Chakras - semi-personalized responses + textbook of info if you want it. OOC: Class has yet to begin, I wanted to give you guys some time to post. Please feel free to join, jsut post as if you have already arrived. class will continue in about 8-12 hours |