mentions of Carlton doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo BOOYAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Abandoning her precise pose, she threw a fist into the air because that wasn't exactly a no! And of course she wouldn't break it! That'd defeat the purpose. She gave the groundskeeper a look to let him know that she thought he was silly, before moving to stand with the other students. Specifically, the kid (Carlton) who looked like he was about to vomit up an entire small village. "You look kinda green," she stage whispered at him giving him a good poke in the side, just so he knew.
Mr. McLeod was using a lot of words, and Zoryn didn't really care to pay attention to all that many of them. Though she did pick up on the fact that they were getting acquainted with the brooms soon. That sounded kinda silly but if the broom wanted to do introductions, then Zoryn was all for it!
The first year was all too eager to get started, so she did as the man had just demonstrated and reached her hand forward, not caring to do the weird thinking exercises beforehand. 'Cause she didn't want to be the broom. She wanted to be Zoryn. "Up!" AND OHMYGOSH THIS WAS SO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jk. Nothing happened. "UP!" she said, slightly louder and MORE enthusiastically this time. "UPP!!" Alright now this was starting to get a little agitating. She still wore a huge smile though. And maybe, just maybe she noticed it do a little wiggle. The next attempt. That's when she'd get it. "UP!!!!" Did it budge just now or were her eyes deceiving her? .... The next, NEXT attempt?
Zoryn had a feeling that this was going to be a very, VERY long lesson.
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Lemon! |