Password? Puffskein
Join Date: Dec 2012 Location: Guarding
Posts: 1,010
| *STARES AT YOU* Quote:
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo He'd almost COMPLETELY forgotten about this. It's what happened when you had more pressing thin--no, actually this was plenty pressing. Retaining his little freedoms would be given priority over certain other things he still needed to get sorted. It would even provide the right distraction til he went about figuring how to make that work too so Blaise Bellaire made his over down to the stone gargoyles and gave the message that he'd like to speak with the more than above average looking Headmistress.
What? His eyes were functional. 20/20 vision and all.
The quill and notepad floated along dutifully beside him, waiting for the woman to make her appearance. With any luck, his quill won't try to embarrass him. This was serious business. The gargoyle remained static as ever when Blaise Bellaire approached it. The boy's face was one that the statue had become quite accustomed to over the years and was not shocked to be reunited with him so soon. It was tempted to remain unmoving out of spite and keep the boy waiting, though knew the new boss wouldn't be too fond of that.
After a few minutes, the gargoyle leaped to the side, inviting the Gryffindor to step onto the staircase that would take him up to the headmistress, who was currently sitting at her desk. The door at the top of the stairs was even open, almost as if she had been expecting him to make an appearance. OOC: You may now post in the office. Quote:
Originally Posted by Anna Banana Brent was in absolute disbelief. Professor Hawthorne...err, Headmistress Hawthorne was here at Hogwarts! Never in a thousand years could someone have made Brent believe he'd move halfway across the world and take a piece of his old school with him! Not just any piece, but the professor of his number one favorite subject! The one he had the most interest in! On top of that, she was running the whole school! Brent felt he should at least make an appearance at her office and say hello.
Approaching the entrance to her office, the first thing he sat eyes on was a huge gargoyle staring him down. "Duuuude," he said aloud. "Cool!" Wait a minute... "Is this password protected?" he asked the gargoyle. Great. Now he was talking to inanimate object. If that was the case, he didn't have the password, so he better figure out another way to get in, or it was a no-go for him. So, umm... "Professor Hawthorne? Headmistress Hawthorne?" he began. "If you can hear me, it's me...Brenton Westwood from Ilvermorny."
...and now he waited to see if he was truly an idiot or not. When a boy he hadn't seen before came up to it, the statue carefully watched him -- though that was nothing new. Though it was tempted to respond to the boy with nothing but laughter. How daft was this boy? Of course it was password protected. The heads of the school didn't let just anyone pass by freely.
Though the boy's shouting for the headmistress did not go unheard. The woman who had been casually reading that day's edition of the newspaper in the seating area behind her desk heard him, and moments later the gargoyle broke its silence (a rare occurrence) before moving aside, "There's no need to shout, boy. Up you go." It decided against scolding him about not setting an appointment or getting the password ahead of time. It already had said too much. OOC: You may now post in the office.
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