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Old 01-15-2017, 10:02 PM   #110 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline View Post
The metal treads clanged as his ordered foot falls came in contact with them while he walked up the spiral staircase. Sure the lifts were a faster way around, the private floos even more so, but the rare staircases, no matter how out-of-place they might seem, sometimes provided the best way to get from place to place and do full rounds of all the in-between areas. And so the security man was on his way down, in-between both of his 'offices'.

He nodded a polite greeting to the man he crossed paths with as the other headed up to his own destination up on Level One eventually if he was correctly identified. Simon tried, but there were so many employees to keep exact track of people. All he knew was he wasn't out of place so no trouble and thus not an issue to look into in the eyes of the observant former auror.
Red hair was fairly commonly seen in the stairwells around the Ministry because Becca refused to take the lifts. She preferred to take the stairs at a fairly quick pace and keep herself fighting fit, even if she did train alone and with her husband every day. It was the best way to stay sharp. Today Becca had brought breakfast with her and was trying to make it up the stairs without spilling her tea everywhere, but it seemed like the world was out to get her because after she'd navigated her way around memos and random people who seemed determined to get in her way, she pretty much had to swerve around a clangy, clanky and loud guy who was going about his business. It wouldn't have been an issue if her tea hadn't gone flying.

Becca had instantly written the tea off as a lost cause and instead chose to save her morning oat muffin. It didn't take long to make, but it was the only one she had left from the batch she'd made and she was REALLY looking forward to it. Somehow, she managed to catch it before it had even slipped very far and cradled it. "I've got you, precious carrot and courgette muffin." Amazingly, it was an addictive taste, even though you had to get used to it first. Once she was sure it was safe, she looked up to see who had been the reason for her lost tea. "Oh, hello. I'm sure I know you. You're MLE?" She'd seen him at both the training and 'welcoming party' for the Ministry.
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