Text Cut: Olivia and Nick
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He was into sports? Nice. Olivia wasn't that much into sports herself due to the fact that she had horrible balance. She was a professional at tripping over nothing. "What kind of sports?" she asked, curious to hear if he played Quidditch or perhaps a muggle sport. Her eldest brother loved sports. He was the biggest sports fan in their family. Simon and her preferred other things. Though perhaps if she could improve her balance, then Olivia would have found sports more enjoyable.
She was glad that he was having a good time in Slytherin. She hadn't pegged him for one before as he seemed much different from her own brother but after meeting a few other Snakes, she could see some similarities between the three boys. She brushed a loose strand of unruly curly hair behind her ear and smiled "That's good. Slytherin is a great house. My brother sent me an owl jokingly disowning me from our family for not ending up in Slytherin." At least she thought it was a joke. Sometimes she didn't get her brother's sense of humor or perhaps it was just difficult to read someone's tone from a letter. She hoped he was joking. "Gryffindor is great. We had a paint party after the feast. It was epic though I had to wash my robes several times to get all the paint out of them. It was well worth it."
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Nearly Headless Nick
Sir Nicholas glanced over to the voices and spotted two students, one of which belonged to his own house. "Hello there Ollie," he said to Olivia from House Gryffindor. The other man he wasn't entirely sure. "Hello there kind sir," he said. "What, pray tell, may I call you? Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington at your service." He gave a shallow bow to minimise any neck openings.
Brent could talk all day long about sports. Dueling, too. Right now, she'd asked him about sports, though.
"Quodpot mainly. I was big into it back in America. I was hoping there'd at least be Quidditch here, but I didn't know you guys had stopped it," he answered. He had literally no outlet for sports here in Great Britain. That had definitely
not been a selling point during the big move. He was still kind of sore about that one.
"So your brother was in Slytherin?" he asked. He didn't even know she had a brother, much less one that was also a snake.
"That's pretty cool!" He was glad to hear Gryffindor was having some fun, although he didn't think he'd be into painting too much. He raised his eyebrows when Nick called Olivia by Ollie. He didn't know she had a nickname either. That was probably because they'd just met, and he pretty much knew nothing about everybody in the entire school.
Sir? He paused before answering Nick. His full name sounded really proper, and for some reason, it caused Brent to think he needed a proper introduction, as well.
"I am Sir Brenton Isaac Westwood of Malibu," he answered, and just hearing the response made him grin. He, too, bowed. Was this an alright conversation to have with a ghost?