Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict While she was in fact concerned that she was running late, it was nearly impossible to tell if Elle in fact was. She’d been getting better at not being a complete basket case over things like that, and besides, she wasn’t actually overly late. As she’d arrived in the DADA classroom, it was obvious the lesson hadn’t quite begun yet, although she’d sent a slightly concerned look over toward the tables lining the one edge of the room. Moreso due to the lingering sense that getting too close would be bad. The mood in the room told her that much, as well as the words she’d caught coming from the Ravenclaw prefect as she’d passed her on the way to a cushion. No, she was definitely not getting close to the mystery of the objects on those tables.
“Good day Professor Hirsch,” she said, turning her attention to the professor, curious about the small smirk but only giving him a smile in return. Odds were that had something to do with said zap, after all, and she knew better than to question that.
__________________ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees 
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥ ♥ ♥ |