Rosalyn & Gaston Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy With his tail wagging and tongue out, Roscoe waited patiently, as he guarded the bed for his master's first patient. He could also smell the scent of injury from where he sat! Roscoe then stood on all fours, only to sit again because of the absence of a verbal command from River. The urge to use the contents of his first aid jacket he was wearing was too strong! Disinfectant, gauzes, iodine solution, cotton balls, bandages, HE GOT THEM ALL!
*wiggle, wiggle-wiggle*
__________________ "It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale. |