Originally Posted by Anna Banana;12122110The room was getting packed now! When he'd first walked in, it had just been him and Olivia, but now he couldn't help but notice the ghost floating around nearby. [B
"Hey there, Sir Nick,"[/B] he said. SEEEE! He was brushing up on his Hogwarts trivia now!
Originally Posted by
Before she could say anything else, she watched as Brent addressed Sir Nick, her house ghost. Huh. She wondered what brought him here but perhaps it was a little too rude to ask. He was their elder. And he deserved their respect. Besides, he seemed like a very cool ghost. Olivia grinned. "Hello Sir Nick! How are you?"
Sir Nicholas glanced over to the voices and spotted two students, one of which belonged to his own house.
"Hello there Ollie," he said to Olivia from House Gryffindor. The other man he wasn't entirely sure.
"Hello there kind sir," he said.
"What, pray tell, may I call you? Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington at your service." He gave a shallow bow to minimise any neck openings.