♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<# Quote:
Originally Posted by Gissel Oliver beamed at Professor Newton when she opened her door and he was happy to see there was no one else in the office before him. Perfect. "Good morning, Professor. I hope this isn't a bad time?" He stepped past her and into the office. He hadn't really thought through everything he wanted to say, he mostly wanted to say hi and thank you again, but he could've done that after their first class... Maybe this whole visit was a waste of her time?
Despite being comfortable around her, he took a big breath and pushed any dumb thoughts to the side. "I, uh, I'm not really here about anything school related...or History of Magic related." Because let's be honest, he was never very good at the subject. Oliver was obviously in a good mood and that was very nice to see! It made Rosalyn happy to see her students happy. "It most definitely is not a bad time." No need for him to worry about interrupting something because it wasn't as if she couldn't find another time to get some reading in. Besides it was more important to interact with her students - they were the reason why she had gotten into this profession after all. "That is perfectly fine. We can talk about whatever you want to." Rosalyn was always up for conversation. |