Mrs. Alex Turner *asterisks user* Secret Door d a i s y c a r d e n  Graphic by Waterloo BASIC INFO Full Name: Daisy Elladora Carden Date of Birth: April 25th 2076 Place of Birth: London, England Current Residence: Falmouth, Cornwall, England Blood Status: Halfblood FAMILY Father: Clifford Carden Mother: Evangeline Carden. Siblings: Louis Lambert (born 2070) _______Maxton Robert Carden (born 2079) _______Alexander Clifford Carden (born 2085) _______Evangeline Gwenog Carden (born 2087) BACKSTORY
Daisy Elladora wasn’t exactly a planned baby. Wanted, absolutely, but not particularly planned for. In fact, she was such a surprise that she was born three months before her parents’ wedding which meant that the future Mr. and Mrs. Carden spent the last months before their wedding juggling the care of a newborn infant and choosing flowers. Also, it meant that she got to go to the Bahamas as a three months old baby.
After that, her life was pretty normal. As a child, she spent most of her time divided between her parents’ workplaces. St. Mungos, where her Mother still works as a Healer specialised in Spell Damage, and the Falmouth Falcons stadium, where her Father played professional Quidditch as their star Chaser until he retired in 2085. Needless to say, the Quidditch stadium held a bigger fascination over her than the hospital and little Daisy would often get home from the matches to play Quidditch with the family dog – a brown Labrador appropriately called Chaser – and her siblings.
The family now lives in Falmouth which, to Daisy at least, is the perfect excuse for Clifford to accept the post of Falmouth Falcons coach. She has managed to enlist Alexander and little Evangeline to her campaign; Maxton and Evangeline remain uncommitted. |