Fluttery Pegasi It was that time again. Time to see Professor Newton about potions tutoring. She actually excited about it too. For one thing, despite having started out horrible at potions, Hadley really enjoyed the subject. There was so much that you could do with potions. Like spend time as an animal, which she had gotten to do last term. And for another thing, the tutoring was really working. Hadley had improved a lot just over last year, thanks mainly to Newton and his tutoring. If she kept improving like this, she'd be getting an E or higher next year during her O.W.L.s.
Hadley made her way across the waiting room and knocked firmly on Professor Newton's door. She smiled thinking about how he had come to watch her play Quidditch and act in her play over summer. Say what you will about Hogwarts, but the professors here really do care about the students, and that, even more than the fact she learned magic here, made Hogwarts the best school she'd ever attended. Hadley spun on her heels and took a seat while she waited.
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