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Isa was very careful as she opened the door to the bathroom as she had no idea if Myrtle would be actively floating around. Not seeing any signs of wailing ghosts or flooding, Isa entered the room. As she was walking across the room to the toilets, Isa noticed Professor Vance by the sinks. "Hello, Professor!" No time to stop and talk now though. Isa entered one of the stalls nearest to the door.
Heading over to the sinks to wash her hands after completed toilet business, Isa saw that the professor was still at the sinks. Turning to look at the professor while washing her hands, Isa asked, "Are you alright, professor?" She couldn't quite tell what was wrong, but it seemed that something was not right.
Laurel's hopes of her predicament to go unnoticed was squandered immediately by the arrival of a girl in badger robes that looked familiar. An extra glance at the girl's face made her certain that she had seen her come up the dais on feast night and spoken to Paul about something or other but she wanted it confirmed.
"Hello, miss? Didn't you come up and speak to Prof Myers on feast night?" Professor Vance greeted semi-distractedly. Her main focus was on the hole in the sink where her necklace had disappeared.
Thoughtfully she considered her options when the girl came out from one of the toilet stalls and came over to stand at one of the nearby sinks, washing her hands. How embarrassing, the girl had probably heard her curse. Licking her lips Laurel turned her head to look at the younger girl, smiling as she did so.
"Oh, I'm fine. My necklace chain broke unfortunately as i was about to wash my hands, and my necklace fell down into the sink hole, and is now probably in Moaning Myrtle's hands."