SPOILER!!: Anna & Nick :)
Originally Posted by
Anna Banana
Duuuuude. She was good. No wonder she'd been in the music store that day. She hadn't mentioned then that she played an instrument, but then again, their conversation had been cut short for one reason or another. Brent couldn't remember now. The song eventually came to an end, and Brent kind of entertained the idea of slipping unnoticed out of the room. Who knew if she had even wanted an eavesdropper when she was playing her song.
She glanced up, though, and he was caught. He grinned at her, deciding to compliment her and hope she wasn't mad. She didn't seem mad, though, and HEYYY--she even remembered his name! "That was some awesome piano playing," he said. "I had no idea you played." Then again, it wasn't like he knew her well or anything. He shook his head. "The tune's familiar, but I can't place the name."
The room was getting packed now! When he'd first walked in, it had just been him and Olivia, but now he couldn't help but notice the ghost floating around nearby. "Hey there, Sir Nick," he said. SEEEE! He was brushing up on his Hogwarts trivia now!
Originally Posted by
Nearly Headless Nick
Roaming the castle was often a relaxing thing but of late Sir Nicholas hadn't been able to relax quite so well. His spectral heart would have been a flutter if it had still been beating but alas, it was not.
The music room called to him and Sir Nicholas appeared through the wall. The music might relax the ghost. He paused and allowed his transparent body to float gently in the air as he listened. "Hmmm," he sighed.
Olivia glanced down momentarily when he complimented her. Her cheeks tinged the slightest shade of pink. She had never been good at accepting compliments. "
Thanks! I haven't played since the beginning of summer. I guess I've been so busy with getting ready for school. Do you play an instrument?" she asked. She had always enjoyed piano. It let her take a moment away from the daily stresses and worries that presented themselves. Everything goes away. Playing piano transported the young witch to a completely different realm. It was magical.. Well.. in its own way. "
It's Moondance by Van Morrison. I'd love to learn flute so that I could learn how to play that solo." Oh! Her eyes widened momentarily. She had forgotten to congratulate him on his sorting. "
Also congrats on being sorted into Slytherin! It's a great house." Her brother was a Slytherin. Plus, she had already met a few nice ones, such as two boys (who were both named Oliver)!
Before she could say anything else, she watched as Brent addressed Sir Nick, her house ghost. Huh. She wondered what brought him here but perhaps it was a little too rude to ask. He was their elder. And he deserved their respect. Besides, he seemed like a very cool ghost. Olivia grinned. "
Hello Sir Nick! How are you?"