Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<# Art laughed as he saw the balloons thrown by him exploded paint over the younger Lions. "No you don't," he said to Mr Solo, and was about to turn to duck behind the wall again when the back of his head was SPLAT with a balloon. Specks had flown forward and landed on the wall and he saw a nice dark red. "MR SOLO!" he roared, aiming a balloon in his direction, all the while continuing to laugh. He saw that another of his paint balloons exploded over Mr Salander, and he said "Oh hello there, Mr Salander, I didn't see you there..." with a mischievous grin.
Not being shy of his age, Art looked to the young Miss Spinnet and said "I am 63 years young, actually," and he promptly threw a balloon in her direction. "Welcome to Gryffindor," he added.
In his hiding, he was joined by Miss Swynford. "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself," he said to her. "I knew this would be spectacular fun!" Thank Merlin they had magic to clean it all up! Not that mess was on his mind right now, he didn't mind how messy it got. In fact the messier the better! He laughed at her reaction to Miss Spinnet's question and said "ahh it's all right, I've lived a lot in my 63 years." He turned back to look at her, "And I'm not done yet!" He stood up to aim another balloon over the haystack and ducked back down.
Just opening his mouth to speak to Miss Holden, who had just offered him a thanks, he got a mouthful of paint, from the young lady who had just thanked him! He spat the paint out and wiped at his face so that he could see a bit better. "Well thank you for joining in Miss Holden," he said with a big ol' grin, and picked up a balloon to aim towards her.
He was weaving around the place. Now that his knees were back to normal, if not BETTER, he was much more able to run. He was passing another First year, and paused a moment to say "Miss Hunter, welcome to Gryffindor!" And what better way to say welcome than with PAINT? As he ran back in the other direction he aimed a paintball over his shoulder towards her.
He roared with laughter at Miss Summers, and said "I don't know what you're talking about," before ducking behind a wall. He reloaded his hands with two more paint balloons and stepped out from behind the wall to aim one at the Prefect.
__________________  EVASIVE | RESTLESS | MISUNDERSTOOD always on the move |