Originally Posted by
nicole black
Aslan, dark haired, dark eyed and slightly brooding didn't notice the Healer even as he spoke to her. She was caught up, you see. Her mind racing around possible conclusions, symptoms she'd never realized might be symptoms and some, if any kind of diagnosis that might come her way.
She did this without worry, concern or anxiety. It was another puzzle, that was all. A puzzle to piece together to reach the solution to a problem that was becoming more and more of an annoyance. The shadow on the floor was what caught her attention, long and misshapen but male in form.
Undoubtably the -not-Murdoch- healer.
Glancing up, her slightly glazed over eyes took in the Healer's appearance with vague curiosity. He was, as all the rest of the staff and the rest of the school for that matter, physically attractive, albeit in a way that did not appeal to her taste.
The Gryffindor's features were neutral, calm and perhaps just a bit weary. "Yes. Evans." She said, quite a bit of time after his question. Aslan remained seated. "I can't seem to calm my mind. My thoughts chase over each other before I can conclude them and as I'm sure you can conclude that isn't exactly helpful." Tone even, Aslan raised an eyebrow as she waited. What sort of magic does a Healer employ to check the mind?
With his Healer training instantly kicking in, River stood silently as he regarded the Gryffindor before him. He had concluded that she isn’t hurt physically, which was a relief, but the energy she gave off was more troubling. River did not want to jump into conclusions right away, given that Miss Evans might need counselling more than physical healing.
Is this what Jordan warned him about? No, she’s not faking her illness, but she looked crestfallen and tired. Tired of what,
River remained neutral, deciding ultimately that Miss Evans’ case was something he should treat carefully. By the looks of it, the lady Gryffindor in front of him can no longer be classified as a child, and if she came to him looking for answers, then perhaps privacy should be added to the formula as well. The raised brow was not missed, and the Healer returned it with a kind grin.
“Medically speaking, I can conclude that you’ve lost a good amount of sleep because of these racing thoughts.” He said nodding to her.
“The body doesn't lie.” He added as he held up Miss Evan’s form and tapped it against his open palm.
“Kettle’s just boiled. Care to join me for tea, Miss Evans?” he asked gesturing his hand towards his office door. The Gryffindor doesn’t need any sleeping tincture... for now. It seemed that she needed an adult person to talk to.
OOC: You can post now in his office!