For Mariel 1 of 4 Amigos Don't underestimate me! Fulton made his way to his boss' office with a pile of papers and a few questions he hoped she might help him with.. The fact was he was having a bit more trouble figuring out what to do about the difficult process of going through so much information.. And his department.. Well, his section of the department was still somewhat new and his coworkers were just as new at their positions as he was so... Yeah.. Hard times and plenty of headaches were plagueing him these days....
He stood next to her doorway and waited to be called in.As he waited he looked over the top page.. Just shaking his head at the web of contradictory information he'd found... Combing through it all had been arduous , but he needed to get her opinion on how best to move forward... And he needed to speak to her about a timeline.. How long would he and the other's have to iron out the rest of this mess ?
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