Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something... With the music on Nat grabbed a bag of cookies and sat on her bed. She looked at Echo and smiled. "I'm glad I'm good for something." She knew that everyone was use to her making cookies and brownies by now. Nat loved being in the kitchen and she loved cooking for her roommates, but tonight was just snacks. There was never a day she wasn't prepared.
Seeing El come into the room she smiled as Storm and Snowball seemed to be excited to see their friend and went to jump on her bed. "We had to do something after that mess happened. I'm going to be getting glitter out of my hair for a week." She hadn't taken the time to shower yet so her hair sparkled as she moved.
When a TDK song came on she jumped onto the bed. "I love this song!" Were they sick of her and TDK yet? No? Good she was glad if they weren't. Bouncing around on the bed she began singing. Only barely hearing the response from Echo. "Fashion would be amazing. Remember Dot? She is amazing at fashion. You could probably ask her about it and find a good place for school and stuff." Dot was going to design all her clothes when she was on tour and things with the band. She couldn't wait. "Me? Going to be making The Sirens famous of course."
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