Hufflepuff Forever Interstellar Hitchhiker
Right, that shiny new badge meant Ace had to go do prefecty stuff. Did that mean he would be to busy this term? Sam glumly made her way to the common room. She wasn't looking forward to the traditional meet and greet, she'd rather just get to spend some time with her friends before classes started. Or at least that was until she stepped into the transformed common room. It took a moment for it to register with her, but when it did, she grinned widely, and let out a laugh.
Charging in, she reached for a couple of the balloons, when she got hit by a one thrown by an unknown source. Shrugging it off, she ducked behind a haystack near Professor Newton, and threw one right at Matt. "Professor, this is awesome!"
Wait, did that girl just call their professor old? "Hey you!" she said to the girl (Zoryn) loud enough to be heard over the commotion. "Thats mean. Didn't your mom teach you not to say anything if you can't say something nice?" and she threw her other second balloon at that girl (Ashley) that was near her.
__________________ So many things are possible 
just as long as you don't know they're impossible |