Text Cut: Watson!
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There was a MUSIC classroom at Hogwarts? Yet another thing her brother forgot to mention. Tsk, tsk, older brother. Anyway... Olivia pushed open the door to the room gently and took a moment to soak everything in. The room was simply and elegantly equipped with a piano, drums, music stands, and more. This was awesome. This may have been her favourite room in the whole castle.
Closing the door gently behind her, she approached the piano. Was she even allowed to be in here? she wondered. She hadn't seen a sign so she assumed that it was alright. She opened the case that protected the piano keys and ran her fingers along the ivory keys. It had been a while since she had last played. Then Olivia took a seat and began playing Moondance by Van Morrison. It was a little rusty at first, but after a couple of tries her fingers remembered all the notes she needed to hit. As she played, she hummed the tune in her mind and tapped her foot, trying to keep to the tempo.
Okay. This was totally her favourite room now.
Brent was still on his adventure around Hogwarts, when he found himself walking down the corridor on the fifth floor. He was pretty much finding his way around, so he wouldn't look like an idiot once classes got good and started. He'd heard that long ago, one of the professors threatened to turn to Gryffindor boys into a watch or map when they turned up late to class. Mortifying! That would NOT be Brent!
He was just about to head to the stairwell, when he heard the distinct sound of music drifting down the corridor. Hmm? When he curiosity got the best of him, he poked his head into a room and discovered that it was all about music--instruments, vocals, and the like. Not only that, there was a girl playing a piano, and she seemed to really know what she was doing.
Brent stepped into the room and was careful not to make any noise. He was just going to listen to the song until she was done, and then he'd tell her she'd done an awesome job. He was doing pretty good at being quiet until he stepped on just the right board, and the floor creeeeeeeeeaked beneath his feet.