Open.... Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede!
On her way to the Arithmancy classroom on the morning after the feast, Professor Vance took a detour to the Girl's Bathroom, in order to use one of the toilets to freshen herself up before visiting Imogen. After completed toilet business Laurel headed over to the sinks, glad that Myrtle hadn't decided to pay her an unexpected visit.
As Laurel leaned over the sink to peer closer at a red pimple that hadn't been there earlier this morning she felt and heard how her necklace broke and fell into the sink hole with a CLINK and she immediately cursed out loud "Flaming Sibylls that was the last thing I needed... I love that necklace." Sigh. Now to get her hands dirty or use magic?
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