Skylar Natasha Diggory
Graphic Credit: hermionesclone
Face Claim: Odeya Rush
{ T HE B A R E N E C E S S I T I E S } Full Name: Skylar Natasha Diggory
Age: 13
Strongest Subjects: Muggle Studies, Herbology, Flying
Favourite Subjects: DADA, Flying, Arithmancy
Weakest Subjects: Divination, Charms
Date of Birth: 6th August 2078
Place of Birth: Bristol, England
Current Residence: Bristol, England
Blood Status: Halfblood
Wand: Boggart: TBA
Patronus: TBA
Amortentia: TBA
Relationship Status: Single!
{W H A T I L O O K L I K E } Hair Colour: Brown
Eye Colour: Grey-Blue
Height: 4'10" or ~147 cm
Weight: ~80 lbs or 36.3 kg
{ F A M I L Y I S E V E R Y T H I N G } Father: Curt Diggory Mother: Savannah Mae-Diggory Brother: Logan J. Diggory (formerly Fowler, 21 years old)
Brother: Noah J. Diggory (15 years old)
Sister: Hayley A. Coeur (20 years old)
The Twins: Elias J. Diggory, Evelyn J. Diggory (5 years old)
Godfather: Frederic Krum,
Godmother: Alexis Chosen Cousin: Vincent A. Krum (17 years old) Cousin: Hazen C. Krum (13 years old)
Cousin: Jacee A. Krum (6 years old)
{ E D U C A T I O N }
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (2089-Present)
Slytherin. Third Year.
{ W H E R E I C O M E F R O M }
Skylar is the third biological child of Curt and Savannah Diggory. Both of her parents are former Hufflepuffs, prefects and class of 2068. They became friends during their first night at the castle, and started 'dating' in the winter of their Third year. Toward the end of their Seventh year, Curt proposed to Savannah at their favorite spot - Hogwarts lake, and of course, she said yes. After leaving Hogwarts, Curt accepted a reserve position with the Montrose Magpies and was later offered chaser, while Savannah studied magical creatures with the goal of becoming a creature healer. The two were married not too long after leaving school in a beautiful ceremony with the help of mutual best friend, Alexis Chosen, who had apparently been planning their wedding for a year or more prior to them actually getting engaged.
Quite unlike her older siblings - Noah and Hayley - Skylar is much louder and is much more content moving around then sitting quietly reading a book. The moment she started walking, she would frequently disappear - which thankfully wasn't far as she mainly would use her mobility to go next door to visit her cousins or the Patons.
As soon as Noah started Hogwarts, Skylar began counting down the days that she could also go and be sorted. Hayley and Logan were there, and it was just her left as the "eldest" with her two baby twin siblings. Of course she had another two years to go, but Skylar was anxious. She would have sleepovers with her best friends, Hattie Paton and Hazen Krum, where together the three of them would brainstorm the adventures to be had Hogwarts. Naturally they were all hoping to be sorted into the same house, but only time would tell.
Finally, on her eleventh birthday, as her older siblings said would happen, a snowy owl dropped her Hogwarts acceptance letter through the kitchen table. Just 26 days before the Hogwarts Express was scheduled to leave. Her journey to Hogwarts had finally begun and she was going to be there, right alongside her best friends: Hattie Paton and Hazen Krum.