Slytherindor ♛ The Crazytastic Besties ♛ Shan Watson ♛ 42. Silencio
“Let’s begin with a story. How many of you are familiar with the legend of Arthur?” posed Simon, leaning against a table in the large lecture hall at Beauxbatons. Silence was his answer. He chuckled. “Goodness. Aren’t you all a talkative bunch? I may have to cast Silencio.” He paused for a longer moment, waiting for anyone to raise their hand. One student did. “Yes, you.”
“King Arthur is a British myth.”
Simon beamed. Yes, progress. Good! “ Indeed! King Arthur is a British myth but the purpose of our lesson is to focus on Morgan Le Fay, Arthur’s half-sister and enemy, as well as Merlin, his trusted advisor and court wizard. ” He flicked his wand, opening all of the student’s textbooks. The pages turned until they reached the page he wanted to focus on. “First, let’s discuss Morgan Le Fay. Her supposed personality, her motives, and her powers. Any volunteers?”
Several hands were raised. Brilliant. He was feeling much better about this teaching thing. Time passed quickly and it was time to end the lesson “Now thank you for attending Ancient Runes. I’m Professor Holden. Should you have any questions, I’ll be in my office. Until next time.”
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