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Old 01-04-2017, 02:49 AM   #46 (permalink)
Fat Friar
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Hogwarts
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Fat Friar
Resident Ghost of Hufflepuff | Friendly & Cheerful

Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
Then a ghost came floating around, which didn't really alarm Brent all that much. He just wondered if this happened often, and if it did, would he awakened in the night by some spirit flying through him? Weirdddd. The ghost went through a pretty big introduction, but in the end, Brent had no idea what his name even was. Something about Fat, Friar, and Alfred. Alfred seemed the easiest to go with, and so that was what Brent would call him. "What's up, Alfred?" he asked.
The Friar smiled at the colloquialism. "Hello...what is your name?" He saw this was a new face. "And are you a transfer?" Because he certainly didn't look like a first year.

Originally Posted by Sneakeh Cat View Post
.... welp.


Juliette was frantic as she pranced into the Great Hall. Her eyes full of fear as she tried to scope out her lost yellow pygmy puff. She could see why her father had not gotten her a rabbit, which was specifically what she had asked for as a sixteenth birthday gift, because who knew what would happen to it?? She had already lost her puff, and she JUST GOT TO SCHOOL!


She got on her knees as she started looking under the Hufflepuff table. This was exactly where she saw the little ball of fluff run off to. What if someone stepped on it?? Oh my gosh, she needed to find him!
....What was a 'pika??' The Friar followed her with his gaze as she searched, was joined by a Slytherin boy, and then was less confused when she found the pet. It was a pygmy puff! How curious! It was cute, at least!

Originally Posted by Lost In Thought View Post


Like he was actually seeing a ghost!!!!!!!!

Clearly, while he'd read about it, he hadn't actually been fully prepared for coming face to face with a ghost.

He grinned at the ghost in question. "Nice to meet you Alfred... how long have you been at Hogwarts? You're the Hufflepuff house ghost right? I think you were mentioned in one of the books... "
Another new face! Alfred was very pleased all of them seemed to be in jolly spirits! And such kindness they were showing him, too! True badgers!

He chuckled. "I am mentioned in books. Any book about Hogwarts would have us ghosts in it!" And how long HAD he been there? The Friar thought for a moment... "I think...well...a very long time. I can't even recall when..." because that's how long it had been. "At least hundreds..." Was it really hundreds?! Merlin's pants!

Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom View Post

THE FAT FRIAR! Kane had read about him! As far as ghosts went, he didn't seem like the COOLEST ghost here - let's be real, that was definitely the Bloody Baron, or maybe Nearly Headless Nick - but boy, did he seem like the nicest.

"Nice to meet you, Alfred!" he joked along with the ghost as he waved at him. That was less of a mouthful than Fat Friar, and more polite of course, although as the ghost said, he'd EMBRACED the title. Kane would probably do the same, if he were in that situation.
Alfred waved back at the boy. "And what is your name, young sir?" he asked, because once again...a new face! So many of them soooooo many of them! He loved it!

Originally Posted by Lady of Light View Post
All the people.

Etta sat at her house table, trying not to look too nervous. It was weird not knowing anyone... could she just randomly start a conversation with the girl sitting next to her? Or would she consider that rude? Would anyone want to talk to her?

.... The girl was kind of starting to panic a little. Being the new girl at school was just so difficult. So very difficult. Now, more than anything, she wished she could just go back home.
He saw one new student being awfully quiet, and no one was speaking with her. So the Friar glided over, very serenely, and stopped next to her. He leaned over and gave her a friendly smile. "Hello there, young miss. Are you doing okay? I am very happy to have you in Hufflepuff house!" He wished he could get someone to talk to her...she looked slightly sad!

Originally Posted by DJ Moose View Post

That Ghost was Fat. Of course Simon would never say this aloud. He only was observing as the Ghost floated along their table and began greeting old and new students alike. "Evening Alfred" he said looking up toward the Fat Flying Clear-Man. "Is it. Is it true that you would pull Rabbits out of Communion cups?" Simon had read of this, but wanted to peg it as just a rumor. Surely someone flaunting as his House Ghost wouldn't be so petty as to pull something so similar to a Muggle Trick like that and get axed over it.

Alfred turned at the question and smiled at the first year. "...Well...." He winked. "Yes! But it wasn't too popular at the time!" he held his stomach as he laughed. "And what is your name?"

Originally Posted by AmbiguouslyMe View Post

But her question was soon no longer the most prominent thing in her mind, because the Fat Friar had flown overhead and he now had Hazel's full attention. "Well, what do you prefer?" Because even if she'd rather call him Albert, if he preferred Fat Friar, well, she'd go with that!
This first year was so small. So tiny. Alfred wished he could hug her. He smiled broadly at her very kind question. "I like Alfred...I like Friar..." he shrugged. "But Fat Friar is okay? I promise! And what do YOU like to go by, little one?"

Originally Posted by griffin View Post

Look, the Friar was here! It was always exciting to see the house ghost make an appearance. ”Hello Alfred!” Isa waved at the ghost.

Alfred turned and waved at young Isa. "Hello there! I hope you had a good summer?"

Originally Posted by emjay View Post

And there was his favorite house ghost! Henry gave the Friar a big grin as he floated by their table. He always did feel weird about calling him Fat Friar... it just seemed mean, okay? Even if the ghost said he was alright with it. But he didn't know that his name was really Alfred! "Hey, Friar!" Henry greeted him with a grin. "How was your summer?" What did ghosts do all summer when students and teachers weren't around anyway?
Alfred smiled at Henry. "My summer was very peaceful and serene. Thank you for asking! How about yours?"

Oh dear! It seemed like Peeves and Miffy were up to no good over at the Slytherin table. He clicked his tongue and shook his head. "Merlin. Three poltergeists..." he muttered to himself. Things had seemed off ever since Storm arrived, too. He wondered if the other ghosts felt the discomfort that he did all summer.
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