Forest Troll
Join Date: Aug 2011 Location: Ohio
Posts: 27,991
Hogwarts RPG Name: Kirsten Delbin Hufflepuff Fifth Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Mateo Theodore Slytherin Fifth Year
x11 x9
| Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something... Quote:
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising [COLOR="Sandybrown"]
Miss New Head Girl was being quite social tonight and Sky had to admire it. "I did... well it could have been better, but enjoyed my nephew and well my sister was going to have a formal wedding but then she didn't and I don't really know. But it was good. How about yours?" Nat tried to follow her conversation. So she had a nephew and her sister was getting married and then did, but then did. Okay she thought she got that. "Well it seems you had a great summer. My summer was amazing. I worked at a record label and hung out with the band mostly." It was super busy and she loved it. Quote:
Originally Posted by Artel
The Head Girl seemed friendly. Really, Sinead had thought most of the people like that were in Hufflepuff and Gryffindor, but she supposed it wasn't a problem. Her own face remained all but blank as she listened to Natalia's description of the grounds with keen interest- not exactly the kind of information she had been after, but at this point anything about Hogwarts was welcome. Especially about the common room- nobody in her family was Slytherin, she hadn't even known it was by the lake. Somehow she didn't want to betray that ignorance, though; instead she skipped straight on to the later comment, her eyes lighting up.
"I want to start Arithmancy straight away. I was the best in my class at maths and I bet I will be at Arithmancy too." Her mother had told her not to boast, hadn't she? Especially not with new people. Oops.
"Maybe," she amended grudgingly. "Why do you want to be in a band when you could be an Arithmancer? My dad says they make loads of really important magical discoveries." Probably her mum would tell her off for saying that as well. Everyone had different talents and they weren't better or worse, just different.. blah, blah blah. Her mum was probably just jealous that she was a muggle and Sinead was a witch. Still, though, she should probably try to be polite; this was the Head Girl after all.
"I expect your band is good too," she tacked on the end somewhat feebly. How could it be, really? Wouldn't they already be famous if they were that good? Someone that shared her love for Arithmancy, this was fantastic. Start them young should be a thing for this subject. "Well if you ever want to do figures or need any help don't hesitate to find me. I love to sit and do calculations." Finding people's life paths were one of her favorite pass times. Her eyes narrowed a bit as the girl questioned her choices, "Because I'm an amazing singer and my band is fantastic. We are going to be famous. You can't be all that famous doing Arithmancy. It's not my passion, music is." She had to give the girl a smile as she said her band was probably good. Ah yeah it was the best. The next big thing since TDK walked these corridors. Quote:
Originally Posted by 2111jen Jonas nodded. He wasn't sure what else to say so he started to eat his dinner.
"I waited too long to get snacks on the train so I'm really hungry," He blurted out. She looked at the boy kind of weirdly wondering how he got food before the speech. Maybe he snuck it in. Smart kid if he did. "I always make sure to bring snacks with me for the train. The trolley always is just sugar quills for me." Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassirin
Old enough? Merlin, she'd been old enough for ages, and she'd been causing her own troubles for years now. Very insulting, Miss Nat. "I'm happy to learn whatever you have to offer, and I'll make sure to teach you some tricks that I know. And if you don't want sleeping draughts, then maybe a good concentration concoction. Whatever you want. But anyway, my summer went well, but no boyfriends, no. How was yours?"
Best friend! Katy jumped to her feet and tackled her Kat friend. "How are you? How was your summer? Did you see that Miss Nat is now the biggest bummer in the world?" So she really was going to be ganged up on by these two. "You two really don't know me all that well." A smirk playing on her lips. Seriously she'd love to hear them say this with Dot around. Natalia Franks-Mundie becoming a stick int he mud because of a badge, really? "Are you wanting to make a potion for me Katy?" Was the girl trying to poison her now that she had a badge or just being nice? She was a snake, so Nat had to wonder. "My summer was amazing. I was super busy with working, friends, the boyfriend, and the band." Always needing to put the band in there of course. Quote:
Originally Posted by Anna Banana . "Oh, yeah. That's Kane alright. He's a little ball of energy just waiting to explode wherever he goes," Brent said with a laugh. Man. Kane must have really gotten around in Diagon Alley. Everybody seemed to know him. Brent was a little half-proud/half-jealous of the younger Westwood. "Well, I hope he had decent things to say about me," Brent said, thinking about how all summer Kane had seen him sulk off to his bedroom and complain about the move non-stop. "Yeah, I do. He's a Hufflepuff. Fits him perfectly, really. I'd have been surprised had he been anywhere else." "Oh yes he had very nice things to say about you. He was a cute kid. He'll do well in Hufflepuff." She glanced over to the other table. That was no surprise that he was in that house. He would certainly fit in. If he needed help she could always introduce him to Henry, but she was sure he didn't need any help. "So I know things about your brother, but what about you? Are you excited to be here?" Small talk was good, right? Quote:
Originally Posted by Gissel [COLOR="Navy"]
Back to Nat now, he raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Oh you work? What do you do?" Oliver had never worked a day in his life, and he didn't even know what he was going to do after Hogwarts. He was clearly behind in the becoming an adult department. "Mine was great too, I got to spend a lot of time with my friend who graduated last year. Lots of bonding time." It wasn't nearly enough time to makeup for their year apart, but it would have to do.
"Yes, I had an internship with a record label this summer. I got to work with so many great people. Plus I work at the music store in Diagon Alley. It was my second summer there." She loved working there and was excited to have hopefully convinced her boss to keep her on for next summer too. "Oh that sounds fun. I got to go on holiday with Dot. So that was a great time." She didn't know if Oliver knew the past prefect or not, but Nat was always liking to brag that Dot was her close friend. She was going to be so famous one day. Quote:
Originally Posted by Awarlesta Black Cal summoned a smile when his head girl girlfriend sit down next to him and happily kissed her back. "I haven't seen Vincent yet. Was hoping you could tell me where to find him." Honestly, he hasn't seen him all summer either. Where could have his true love gone?
His guys glanced over her shoulder. "You should go back to greeting the kids, babe." He nudged her. "Put on that Head Girl smile." He hadn't seen Vince either, well that was weird. "He had to be here somewhere. Maybe we can ask Sha, do a birthday celebration with him later. You do know we officially got introduced and really started to get to know each other a year ago today on the train." She leaned and kissed his cheek. Vince always had the birthday thing in one of the compartments and she smiled thinking about how Cal barely said two words to her last year when she first walked into the compartment. He was so cute all nervous like that. Her smile grew as he said about putting a head girl smile on, "This head girl smile is exhausted. All this social is rough. I'm going to need sleep after the feast is over and I still have to give the first years a tour and show them to their dorms." So much work this badge thing was.. goodness. Quote:
Originally Posted by Symphora [B][COLOR="Black"]
James couldn't help but smirk at Nat's reply. "All the attention, huh? That's big." He chuckled. Hold on? Little??? Narrowing his eyes, "Oh really? Little fifth years? How short do you think we are?" James scoffed. He was positive somehow her new title must have gone over her head. He couldn't blame her though, he would definitely take advantage of it if he was in her shoes. "Who's Kelly?" Shaking her head she knew it, she knew it. Did he see she was sitting right near her boyfriend? Yes, she was with him. Not all the attention James, sorry. "You are not short, just young." She remembered that irritated him over the summer at the shop. She would use that to get to him for the hell of it. It was fun to annoy him. "Kelly is our keyboard player in the band, my best friend, and my dorm mate here." Her eyes searching for the blonde who should be at the table by now. Quote:
Originally Posted by SilverTiger [COLOR=#8FE3D6]
Aside from her hedgehog, she figured she was likely the least exciting seventh year Slytherin girl ever. The least interesting anyway, but then given she generally only compared herself to Nat and Kelly it wasn’t surprising. Speaking of Nat… “How would we make up for it?,” she asked with wide eyes. She usually stayed away from ruckus after all. Hopefully Nat just meant things like maybe another band concert or something. Either that or another dorm party. Her grin was growing at the look of possible horror on Ellie's face. Her roommate should know by now that Natalia was probably the wildest of the bunch in their dorm. She was always finding things for them to do and pushing them all out of their comfort zone. The topics they spoke about when it was just the girls. She couldn't help but chuckle to herself thinking about it. "Oh I don't know, we can think of something, but for now let's have a late night with music and food in the dorm after this. What do you think? We can play truth or dare." That could be fun. SPOILER!!: Peeves, Storm, Miffy, Colt, Katy, Bloody Baron Quote:
Originally Posted by Peeves Heeheehee!Peeves was cackling to himself as he zoomed into the Great Hall, a box full of snakes, frogs, and other slimy creatures tucked under his arm. Just wait til the studentsies got a load of what was inside!
But which table should he pick? Not the Gryffindorks! They wouldn't make a big enough fuss. And the Fluffypuffs would probably just pet the creatures.
Ooooh he had it! Snakes for all the ickle snakes and snakettes! This was too perfect. And look! Prissy Professor Poodle was here too! This just got better and better! "Hey, everybody! Did ya miss me?" he yelled, hovering midair over the Slytherin table.
Now all he needed was for somebody to ask what was inside the box... Quote:
Originally Posted by Storm *GIGGLES*
Storm floating around happily as the students arrived. The castle was very quiet without them and he's bored, yo. No one could be his prank target anymore. Seeing as the polter!daddy headed to the Slytherpoop people, he followed his way.
With a jar full of glitter glue on his hand. "GLITTER ATTACK!!!" He dropped some of them to the students, and also the Professie who was also there.
Unlike his polter!daddy, he didn't need to greet them. Yes, Storm was kind of rude poltergeist. Quote:
Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin Colt nodded at Skylar, "Yeah mine was pretty good you can say." He said referencing to his badge. "I did what I wanted to do if you count playing sports that is.." That was his favorite past time that is for sure. "How was your summer? Anything exciting?" Yup he was learning this small talk thing. It was something he needed to get used to.
Now onto his fellow snake Brent. He was not surprised to hear that. I mean who would want to transfer schools? He raised his eyebrows at that news. Woah then she was a flaky girlfriend. She shouldn't have dumped him. "She knows she can write you right? Like send you owls and keep in contact. Unless she was the clingy the type?" he suggested. "That's kind of like my story, I was a transfer from Durmstrang but then I moved and went to Hogwarts. My father and mother both got jobs near here." He didn't really want to mention that his father was military general and his mother was a hunter/hair stylist. That should be kept private. "Your parents got jobs in the ministry yeah?" Sounds like the logical option. "Yeah it is.." he looked around and got an idea. "I mean we could prank them if you want..." he trailed off when he heard a familiar voice.
He lifted his head up to the air and saw Peeves and a new ghost called Storm? Storm what a bloody stupid name. He rolled his eyes and muttered to Brent, "I'll be back.." and he got his wand at the ready. "Hey you beavis and butthead!" he mentioned the ghosts. He knew the ghosts would never get the reference. He saw Storm through the glitter on the students and he sighed. Man could he get a break? He saw Peeves have a box in his hand and said, "Accio!" and it zoomed toward him. "I'll take that.." and he put it under his arm. He made a note not to open that. He saw Storm and he warned him, "Storm don't let me use this.." he said raising his wand. He wondered where in the bloody merlin Natalia is?
Now while he waited for the ghosts to attack and he wondered if McLeod saw this, he turned his attention to Oliver. "True man, I think we remember the names the head of house and the teachers yell out constantly." I mean Colt could have been included last term. Woaahh now this information was golden. He spent his summer with two gorgeous girls? He pfft in amazement. "Dudee that's awesome." he bumped him in the shoulder lightly. "Well I guess we can double date then if they are here in hogwarts.." he suggested. "Oh my summer was pretty alright. Spent time with the girlfriend and did sports camps.." You know the usual. Insert shrug here.
He looked over at Elle and she seemed less tense. He nodded and thought a quiet summer was nice. I mean not everyone was the same. Some people like to be more relaxed. "Well I thought a girl like you would be traveling the world and going to the beaches.." She seemed like the type. Quote:
Originally Posted by Miffy Her poltermen were SOOOOOOOOOOOOO dashing! Miffy admired them. She was right behind them. “WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!’’ A long burst of whee to announce her presence as well as a loud *GIGGLEGIGGLE* “Isn’t he ADORABLEEEEEEE?” Miffy screeched at the top of her lungs when her polterbaby dropped glitter on everyone. “JUST LIKE HIS MOMMY AND DADDY!’’ Miffy let out a sob. SHE WAS A PROUD MOMMY! “MY STORM IS THE MOST PRECIOUS!’’
She sat with the rest of the Slytherins having a really good time. Who would have thought she could be this social, have no anxiety issues, no problems at all. She had truly come a long way. She was in probably one of the best moods she had been in a very long time and that was when it was about to go way down really quick. GLITTER!!!!!
Why was glitter on her? Then she heard them. NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO they were not coming to ruin the feast. NO they were not going to bother HER slytherins. She glared at all of them and stood from her seat. She was not dealing with this at all. "Buzz off you three. You aren't Slytherins so go away." She glanced around to make sure the first years were alright, though she figured they'd probably like the glitter.
She pulled her wand. By now Peeves should know what was coming from her. She wasn't afraid to send it at him. "We are trying to enjoy the evening if you could please go away."
She said please... see she could be nice to them. Looking at the Baron, she smirked back at the three. "I think you should listen to the Bloody Baron." A laugh did happen when Katy threw something at them. "Nice shot" but knowing Peeves Nat gripped her wand tighter.
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