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Old 01-03-2017, 11:47 PM   #42 (permalink)
Lost In Thought
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Join Date: Sep 2016
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Andrea Carter
First Year
Default Kimi, Kane, Simon and Levi

Originally Posted by Saz Hale View Post
Kimi smiled at Ambrose and said "Well i have loved Hogwarts so far Ambrose and my favourite classes are Charms and Transfiguration" Kimi liked Ambrose for a first year he was cool and Kimi knew he would do well in classes

Charms and Transfiguration?

Ambrose could easily remember what they were, though he was nervous about attending the classes. Mainly because he was still nervous about casting a spell. The accidental magic he'd cast as a child told him that he could do it, it's just... he'd never tried. What if he couldn't when he tried?

"I think I'm looking forward to History of Magic..." he'd always loved history, didn't have a clue about the history of the wizarding world and that wouldn't include magic so he should be decent at that one!

And muggle studies. If he wasn't good at that one he was going to just quit.

Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom View Post

Wow. WOW. Lots of chatting with this one. But that was cool, because if Kane was in the right mood, HE could be really chatty as well. "Would that have been a...good thing?" Kane asked, raising a blond eyebrow. Being sent back to China? Or would that have been like...punishment. He wasn't sure since the boy was rambling...

"Oh, yeah, it's awesome! They have four houses, just like Hogwarts,"
he explained. "I was a Pukwudgie, which...I dunno, is kind of like Hufflepuff I guess? Must be if I'm here," he chuckled.

"Yeah, I wasn't expecting it to TALK to me. But that was kind of cool, telling us what it saw in our heads," he concluded. That was like...the closest thing to a real psychic he would ever get to experience, since Divination was all hogwash basically.

Was going back to China a good thing? Ambrose tilted his head to the side in thought for a moment. "Well it wouldn't have been awful..." his sister might have actually killed him if he had gone back to China.

Also if Chinese wizarding school was anything like muggle school, then that wouldn't have been so cool either. Though with that amount of study he would've improved very quickly, he mused to himself.

Pukwudgie? Yeah there was no way Ambrose was going to remember that. "Wizards have a lot of weird names for things," he commented, smiling in amusement as he thought about the ones he'd known so far. Hogwarts. Ilvermony. Hufflepuff. Quidditch. Nifflers.

The list kind of just went on.

"It was kinda fun, but also kinda..." he froze for a moment, unsure of how to keep going. "Weird?" Yeah that last bit sounded like more of a question. "Like I didn't expect it to bring up my sister."

SPOILER!!: Simon
Originally Posted by DJ Moose View Post

That Ghost was Fat. Of course Simon would never say this aloud. He only was observing as the Ghost floated along their table and began greeting old and new students alike. "Evening Alfred" he said looking up toward the Fat Flying Clear-Man. "Is it. Is it true that you would pull Rabbits out of Communion cups?" Simon had read of this, but wanted to peg it as just a rumor. Surely someone flaunting as his House Ghost wouldn't be so petty as to pull something so similar to a Muggle Trick like that and get axed over it.
Simon jerked his head up and looked at the boy who had just yelled 'Hi!' at him. Like it was some kind of competition to win at best introduction? Who was he his Adoptidad? He quickly clipped his handbag closed and smiled at him. "Hi, back at you." Simon extended his arm to shake the other boy's "Ambrose, I'm Simon. Maybe, and I guess so." He was sure that he would eventually get used to all the new things happening around him, but for the moment he needed to settle in.

Okay Simon seemed like interacting was a thing that was gonna have to Happen now. Get that game face going. The Bespectacled young boy slapped on a smile and turned his attention to another boy who didn't seem much older than himself. He nodded quickly. "Simon, yeah I just got sorted." He replied.


He guessed so?

Ambrose tilted his head slightly in confusion as to why this other first year WASNT SO EXCITED! They were at a literal school of magic! About to learn real magic! They had been sorted by a talking hat that could read their minds! He'd probably grown up in the wizarding world, Ambrose concluded. Though even that didn't make that much sense because he was pretty sure he'd met other kids from wizard families that were equally as excited as him.

"So anything you're looking forward to?"

Please get excited?

Originally Posted by PuppySara View Post

Levi looked over and smiled, "I'm Levi, and I'm sure it's a pleasure!" He had to paused at his next question. Who wouldn't be happy to be in Hufflepuff??? His mother had told him how amazing her house was and he agreed with her already everyone seemed really nice and welcoming.

He nodded, clearly beaming, "Yep! My mother was a Hufflepuff when she attended Hogwarts!" Surely she would be proud of him for making it to her house, "How about you? Excited to be here?" Because he should be. Seriously. It was only the greatest house, despite what his father and brother would say to defend their lame houses.

His mother was also a Hufflepuff at Hogwarts, Ambrose's smile softened for a moment at the thought of something like that. He couldn't imagine whether if his parents had been wizards that attended Hogwarts where they'd be put or whether they'd be proud of him for where he had landed. If he told them about the houses they'd probably expect Ravenclaw. That that the smile dropped for a split second. The the boys question, Ambrose immediately beamed at Levi again though.

"Yeah, it's incredible! I'm looking forward to everything!" he'd exclaimed, imagining how things could go. He paused a moment after that. "Except flying... I'm not looking forward to flying."
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