Join Date: Jul 2003 Location: Ferrix: GMT-6
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Moritz Schultz (#0f667e) Ravenclaw Seventh Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Nancy Schultz (#ac6f77) Hufflepuff Fourth Year x11 x1
| curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog Quote:
Originally Posted by Lost In Thought "Oh," Ambrose said, grinning at the slightly older Hufflepuff. "I haven't had a chance to read anything about the wizarding communities outside of Britain yet. Well, that's not true. I read a bit about the Chinese wizarding community because my parents were curious. I think they wanted to send me back to China..." he rambled slightly towards the end, though the grin crossed his face again at the end of that. "What's Ilvermony like? Do they also have a sorting hat? Wait... do they have houses in Ilvermony? And is it in a castle or a normal house?"
Was he excited about his sorting?
He beamed at the older boy. "I already met Kat so I was super happy that I already knew someone in my house! And then that mind reading hat was awesome! I guess coming in I was just nervous though because none of the books mentioned the fact the sorting was done through the hat. Unless I missed that bit," he looked in thought for a moment before shrugging his shoulders.
He was pretty sure he hadn't missed it. Wow. WOW. Lots of chatting with this one. But that was cool, because if Kane was in the right mood, HE could be really chatty as well. "Would that have been a...good thing?" Kane asked, raising a blond eyebrow. Being sent back to China? Or would that have been like...punishment. He wasn't sure since the boy was rambling...
"Oh, yeah, it's awesome! They have four houses, just like Hogwarts," he explained. "I was a Pukwudgie, which...I dunno, is kind of like Hufflepuff I guess? Must be if I'm here," he chuckled. "Yeah, I wasn't expecting it to TALK to me. But that was kind of cool, telling us what it saw in our heads," he concluded. That was like...the closest thing to a real psychic he would ever get to experience, since Divination was all hogwash basically. Quote:
Originally Posted by Jean Granger
He looked up just in time to hear the new badgers introducing themselves one by one. "Welcome to Hufflepuff - Lizzie, Kane, Ambrose. My name is Carl." He nodded, grinning. "The ceiling is quite awesome. It's enchanted to look like the sky outside, did you know that?" He replied to Kane's comment with a chuckle. Even after years of living in this castle, he often found himself getting surprised by the ceiling. Everyone was just so NICE in Hufflepuff! Kane really was starting to like it here - good choice, Mr. Sorting Hat. Good choice indeed! "Hi Carl! Nice to meet you! And it is?! I thought it was just like...random. Are the dorms like that too? That would be SO COOL. Where IS our dorm, by the way?" he added as an afterthought. He was sure he had read about where the Hufflepuffs had their home, but he couldn't quite remember at the moment...too much going on. Quote:
Originally Posted by DJ Moose So Simon was to be a Hufflepuff now yeah?
The bespectacled young ...badger... made his way to the House Table and quickly found an Open seat. He claimed it then proceeded to tilt his head down and opened his handbag. Digging into it he pulled out some tissue paper and wiped his nose real fast and blew into the tissue paper. He disposed of the tissue back into his bag in a small little waste bag he keeps in it. Warfield, his Adoptidad had expanded the inside of his man-purse handbag. Then he he got some hand wipes and cleaned up his hands after.
He continued to rummage through the contents of the handbag. Not that he was looking for anything but because he was still reeling in all the sorting business and was not ready just yet to converse and start making friends. Kane noticed a rather shy looking boy nearby, and smiled at him, wanting to make him feel more comfortable. If Brent wasn't here, Kane would be in this boys shoes as well - pretty much on his own. "Hey there! I'm Kane! You new here too?" he asked. Although many people WEREN'T new to Hogwarts, he figured it was as good an ice breaker as any. Quote:
Originally Posted by emjay
More new Hufflepuffs! Awesome! Ambrose and Kane both got cheers from the fifth year when they were deemed badgers as well and made their way over to the house table. "Hey, guys! Welcome to Hufflepuff! I'm Henry." Could they tell how excited he was that they were there? He was always happy for more housemates. Hufflepuff was the best!
Oh but Kane wasn't a first year? He couldn't help but overhear the conversation when his brother, Brent came over as well. "Oh, you guys are from Ilvermorny? That's cool. My friend Zara transferred here from there last year. Maybe you know her? She's a fifth year like me." Where was Zara anyway? He lost track of her after the train. "Anyway, I'm Henry. Welcome to Hogwarts," he grinned. "Nice to meet you, Henry!" Kane replied with a smile, again having ZERO intention of remembering everyone's names. That was just silly to expect him to remember all these people...but this guy knew of Ilvermorny, so that was a point in his book! Kane grinned and nodded. "Yeah, I was only there a year, but...our parents moved here so we followed them," he told the older boy. Pretty simple, really. "Zara? No, didn't know her - well obviously not, if she was here last year," he chuckled. Kane DID miss his Pukwudgie friends, though...AJ and Mikey were probably having a blast right now in the dorms without him...SIGH. Quote:
Originally Posted by PuppySara Levi came running to his house after he'd been sorted. His mom would be happy. He followed her footsteps of her house unlike his older brother who had to go off and be a Ravenclaw... Weirdo. The eleven year old smiled at his new housemates as he sat down, probably beaming with pride. The house was his first choice, again, considering it was his AMAZING mother's house... But Gryffindor was a very close second with it being his father's house.
He glanced over at the Ravenclaw table looking for Landon, wondering where he was, or if he'd heard yet. And he couldn't wait to rub it in that he really was the better sibling. Another fellow Puff! Kane was now determined to say hi to EVERYONE - because he didn't want to be THAT new kid who didn't try and make friends and kept to themselves all the time. Nope.
"Hey there! I'm Kane!" he told the boy, holding out a hand for a shake. He looked young, probably a firstie as well. Was EVERYONE here a first year?? Quote:
Originally Posted by Hera Hurrying to the Hufflepuff table, Val practically threw herself onto the bench to take her seat. Partly because she couldn't bare to be standing any longer for fear of standing out, and also because she just wanted to be sitting at her table.
Like, she was here. She'd made it!
Still the Croatian was all smiles, pearly white teeth flashing as she quickly peered around her, taking in the room (because she'd been immensely distracted before) and the faces of her nearest house mates.
This felt right. She felt right... and yet, she still hadn't found her voice enough to speak. There was no time like the present, yes? "Helloooo!" she chirped to those in her vicinity, complete with an awkward wave. Yes, hi. OOOOOOOH, this was a new arrival who caught Kane's attention for sure. An older girl by the looks of it - a PRETTY older girl - but just like all the other Puffs he'd met so far, she jumped right into the convo and seemed quite friendly. "Hey there! I'm Kane...I just transferred here," he informed the girl. There, he'd introduced himself AND opened the door for a conversation with Pretty Puff Girl. Hehe. Quote:
Originally Posted by SarcasticStrawberry
Speaking of brothers, she glanced over at the Slytherin table to see if her brother Phillip was somewhere over there or maybe he was sitting with Ava at the Gryffindor table. But no he was at his house table she waved over to him and smiled. She may have also been looking for some other Slytherins too. Just maybe. Anyway, she smiled when the older boy said they were in fact brothers or Bro. "That's cool. My brother is in Slytherin too." Just to point that out. "I'm Kat. I'm a fourth year. What about you?" She asked Brent.
Turning to the younger brother she smiled at him. "It's nice too meet you too, Kane." Oh yeah she knew about the bro slang... bro. Philip was her "bro" too. She giggled. "Yeah I knew that, it's just short for brother." It was nice to see more sets of Hufflepuff/Slytherin siblings at the school. She would have to go bother her own brother later. "Oh really? That's awesome! I used to be kind of nervous about being in a different house than Brent it's fine. Brent and I are WAY different and I think I need a BIT of space from him," he added with a joking grin, nudging his brother slightly. If they were dorm mates, he probably wouldn't get along with him as well as he did.
The best sibling relationships needed SPACE, yo. Quote:
Originally Posted by Fat Friar Another term, another feast, new badgers! Alfred drifted contently towards the yellow-clad table as he hummed calmly to himself. "Hello, everyone!" He waved. "It is so nice to have you all back! And welcome, new students!" He thought he could see a few new faces here and there. "I am the Fat Friar!" he smiled. "Do not think the name is mean or unkind in any way. I've embraced the title!" and he rested his hands atop his rotund belly.
"But for those of you who don't know and might not like Fat name is Alfred," he grinned. Every so often he'd reveal his name to students. It had been awhile since had last spoke it to students, though, and most of the ones that would have known probably graduated. THE FAT FRIAR! Kane had read about him! As far as ghosts went, he didn't seem like the COOLEST ghost here - let's be real, that was definitely the Bloody Baron, or maybe Nearly Headless Nick - but boy, did he seem like the nicest. "Nice to meet you, Alfred!" he joked along with the ghost as he waved at him. That was less of a mouthful than Fat Friar, and more polite of course, although as the ghost said, he'd EMBRACED the title. Kane would probably do the same, if he were in that situation. Quote:
Originally Posted by Anna Banana Brent raised his eyebrows. "Really?" he asked the little bro, "because I completely had myself pegged as a Gryffindor." He shrugged. Slytherin had been a very close second, though. "They say that hat can see things even we don't know about ourselves, though. So who knows." With the absence of Quodpot and Quidditch and therefore nothing to compete in, Brent wondered where his competitive nature would fall into place at. He wasn't really in to Gobstones. Brent gave a light laugh at Kane's comparison to his hair and Hufflepuff house. "Only you, Kane."
It was kind of funny, though. Kane had to physically stop himself from rolling his eyes when Brent said his summer had been a disaster. He made a promise to himself that if HE ever got dumped, he was not going to be so DRAMATIC about it. Nope. He would have common sense about the situation.
Except he would obviously NEVER be dumped. HE would be doing the dumping. Yeah.
"I figured Gryffindor or Slytherin for you. I thought I might go to Gryffindor too...guess we can both agree though we are definitely NOT Ravenclaws," he grinned. Not that they were STUPID or anything but...there was sooo much more to life than books! "Hmm, I wonder what Chloe will get when she comes here in a few years...and Logan, wayyy down the line," he wondered aloud, thinking of their siblings and what houses they might end up in. Chloe would be there at the same time they were...but Logan would be all on his own. Whoops. Poor kid.
__________________ I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did 
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid |