Originally Posted by
Lissy Longbottom
Whoa, Brent had gotten sorted already? Kane had completely missed it - he'd been too excited about his new house! He grinned and clapped him on the back. "Wish I could say I was surprised," he joked at his older brother. He'd definitely pegged him as a snake - MAYBE a Gryffindor. But he'd had a gut feeling he'd be there.
"Thanks! I thought I'd end up here...based off of what I read about all the houses. Seems pretty cool. Matches my hair," he added with a grin.
Brent raised his eyebrows.
"Really?" he asked the little bro,
"because I completely had myself pegged as a Gryffindor." He shrugged. Slytherin had been a very close second, though.
"They say that hat can see things even we don't know about ourselves, though. So who knows." With the absence of Quodpot and Quidditch and therefore nothing to compete in, Brent wondered where his competitive nature would fall into place at. He wasn't really in to Gobstones. Brent gave a light laugh at Kane's comparison to his hair and Hufflepuff house.
"Only you, Kane."
It was kind of funny, though.
Originally Posted by
Jean Granger
Since they were sitting in close proximity, the fourteen-year-old could not help but listen to other conversations. The question asked by a guy who looked about his age, Brent, grabbed his attention. "That's not true at all! We Hufflepuffs are really friendly. I think we're just... busy catching up on our summer holidays at the moment." He said, then smiled widely. Sorry for stealing your question, Kat! "Congratulations on Slytherin, by the way. I'm Carl."
Brent's question about Hufflepuffs was answered, although not from the person he'd actually asked it to. That was cool, though, because it proved him wrong. Hufflepuffs were starting to show their friendly side, after all. Maybe Brent had just jumped to conclusions all too soon. "Well, that's cool," Brent said, turning to face the guy who answered. "My summer was a disaster, or I'd join in on the fun." He laughed and added, "I'm Brent Westwood." He gestured toward Kane.
"I'm this one's older bro." He grinned at the congratulations.
"Thanks, man." Quote:
Originally Posted by
Oh but Kane wasn't a first year? He couldn't help but overhear the conversation when his brother, Brent came over as well. "Oh, you guys are from Ilvermorny? That's cool. My friend Zara transferred here from there last year. Maybe you know her? She's a fifth year like me." Where was Zara anyway? He lost track of her after the train. "Anyway, I'm Henry. Welcome to Hogwarts," he grinned.
Now everybody was talking! This was cool, because Brent was hoping to make new friends to make up for the ones he left behind with this whole move across the pond.
"Yeah, we are. I spent my first three years there," he replied. Zara? Hmm... Brent didn't remember a Zara, but maybe if he could catch her hanging out around Hogwarts, he might be able to put a name with a face.
"Awesome. I'll have to meet up with her one of these days, and see if we remember each other." He returned the grin of the slightly older boy.
"Nice to meet you, Henry. Thanks for the welcome." Quote:
Originally Posted by
Speaking of brothers, she glanced over at the Slytherin table to see if her brother Phillip was somewhere over there or maybe he was sitting with Ava at the Gryffindor table. But no he was at his house table she waved over to him and smiled. She may have also been looking for some other Slytherins too. Just maybe. Anyway, she smiled when the older boy said they were in fact brothers or Bro. "That's cool. My brother is in Slytherin too." Just to point that out. "I'm Kat. I'm a fourth year. What about you?" She asked Brent.
Brent raised his eyebrows in interest.
"Oh, yeah? What's your brother's name?" he asked.
"I've met a few people over there." It also occurred to Brent that like he and Kane, this girl belonged to a pair of Slytherin/Gryffindor siblings, too. Cool stuff there.
"I'm Brent, and I'm a fourth year, too." Had he told her his name yet? He was meeting so many people at once, he couldn't even remember.
"So what about the fourth hears around here? We got a pretty cool bunch?" After all, these would be the people he would share classes with for the next four years.
Originally Posted by
Fat Friar
Another term, another feast, new badgers! Alfred drifted contently towards the yellow-clad table as he hummed calmly to himself.
"Hello, everyone!" He waved. "It is so nice to have you all back! And welcome, new students!" He thought he could see a few new faces here and there. "I am the Fat Friar!" he smiled. "Do not think the name is mean or unkind in any way. I've embraced the title!" and he rested his hands atop his rotund belly.
"But for those of you who don't know and might not like Fat Friar...my name is Alfred," he grinned. Every so often he'd reveal his name to students. It had been awhile since had last spoke it to students, though, and most of the ones that would have known probably graduated.
Then a ghost came floating around, which didn't really alarm Brent all that much. He just wondered if this happened often, and if it did, would he awakened in the night by some spirit flying through him? Weirdddd. The ghost went through a pretty big introduction, but in the end, Brent had no idea what his name even was. Something about Fat, Friar, and Alfred. Alfred seemed the easiest to go with, and so that was what Brent would call him.
"What's up, Alfred?" he asked.