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This was the feast, and that meant Tenacius usually mucked about on his silvery cruiser because 1) no homework or classes yet so that means no deadlines and 2) Great Hall real estate is just made for hoverboarding like have you seen it? Of course.
So there he was zooming about.... there was a Hufflepuff with her gaze towards the floor. Was she looking for something? No worries, Hufflepuffs are great finders. All he has to do is nudge his cruiser this way to avoid her.....
-- And then suddenly the Caretaker walked in through the doorway.
Hit the breaks FULL STOP.
The Curly Top stumbled off his cruiser but caught himself just in time before he high fived the floor with his face. Straighten up, hide that cruiser and just walk by all casual like....
"Hello!" give them that Tenaciusly bright grin and move along... move along....
Flynn was looking around for the girl's prized bracelet in the Entrance Hall while he also kept an eye on the first years pet cages. He did not want to have to chase some cats or rats or worse frogs around the hall if he could help it. It'd ruin his already less than chipper mood.
The caretaker was about to ask the girl for what her bracelet looked like when an older curly haired youth zoomed into the entrance on a flying object. When the boy laid his eyes on Flynn he hit the brakes in surprise and stumbled off the flying thing and tried to hide it behind his back. Pointing his finger out at the boy Flynn asked gruffly.
"What do you have behind your back? Show me! Have you got that flying object cleared by HoH Newton?"