Originally Posted by
Saz Hale
Kimi smiled at Ambrose and said "Pleasure to meet you Ambrose,welcome to Hufflepuff i hope you have loads of fun here" Kimi shook Ambrose's hand
"Thank you," he responded to the welcome, beaming at the older boy. At least he assumed the other boy was older, considering he hadn't seen him get sorted... or had he missed it?
"What's your name? How long have you been here?" now he'd at least know for sure whether the other boy had been at Hogwarts a bit longer.
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It didn't take long for the others to get to their tables, and Hufflepuff was no exception. Seeing her best friend Hattie skipping her way, Kat squealed. It had been a great summer camp with Hattie there this year. They would have to go again next summer.
"Hattie! You're here." Not that she had any doubt that her friend was coming back.
Maybe Hattie had been hiding out in a compartment with her boyfriend. Insert giggles here.
It seem like everyone had gotten boyfriends.... or girlfriends now and Katerina was left out. But whatever, it
didn't bother her at all. She seen Skylar heading toward them.
"Hi Sky. I found her." Her and Skylar had ran into each other on the train and both were wondering where Hattie was during the train ride,
Kat was all smiles, She waved as Ashlynn passed on her way to the Ravenclaw table. Ravenclaw? First Romalotti in Ravenclaw. She watched to see what the other firsties she met on the train what house they got.
"Hi. Isa. I'm great. How was your summer?" She asked the younger puff with grin.
There was another second year that she had spotted, Kimi, she liked him he was pretty cool for a second year.
"Hello Kimi." He got a wave and smile.
The fourth year noticed that one of the first years had just gotten sorted into Hufflepuff. Kat smiled as the new girl just popped up and introduced herself the girl seem to have some spunk, she liked that.
"Welcome to Hufflepuff, Lizzie. I'm Katerina Delgado. You can call me Kat,"
Another Hufflepuff just got sorted, and hey look it was Ambrose. Who knew he would end up being a Hufflepuff, too. Maybe it was all that good talking up Hufflepuff and talking about how awesome Hufflepuff was. She beamed as Ambrose sat across from her.
"I see Welcome to Hufflepuff then, Ambrose I told you that only awesome people got into Hufflepuff." She grinned teasing Slytherins were awesome too.
Kat wasn't sure if this boy that had just been sorted into Hufflepuff and just plopped in the middle of the table was a first year or not. Whichever though it didn't matter this kid had spunk too. She smiled at him.
" Hi Kane welcome to Hufflepuff. I'm Kat." So he was a second year, she wondered where he was from then. Her blue eyed looked up to seen how many more had to been sorted, she needed the speech soon so she could get some food.
The blonde still couldn't find Brady or Miranda. They did get back together over the summer right? She couldn't help but to giggle about things. She noticed that a guy that was sorted into Slytherin had came over and was talking to Kane. She had never seen him before, he must be new too and knew Kane. Katerina thought he might be about her age. Bro?
"Are you his brother?" She asked.
Ambrose couldn't help the way his grin grew just a little bit at the implied compliment from the older Hufflepuff. Or the fact that he sat up a little straighter at that.
Cause he was now definitely awesome.
Kat said so so it must be true, right? "I'm loving it so far," even though he'd been a Hufflepuff for like two minutes. But EVERYONE was so WELCOMING! He felt like he'd known them forever. He felt like he actually belonged there!
SPOILER!!: Lizzie
Originally Posted by
Lizzie notice a boy looked a little older than herself. She smiled at him. "Hello Kane! It is nice to meet you!" Ilvermorny? She is never met someone from the American school. "Ilvermorny?" How was it like it there?" How about America? I always wanted to visit!" She said, excitedly.
"Hi Isa! It is nice to meet you as well!" Lizzie said happily "I am so excited for the classes. My uncle told me a little of what to expect but no much, so I am very curious!"
"Yes I am!" She smiling at the boy, Ambrose, glad to meet another first year. "I can't wait to learn all the secrets here, I was told there was quite a few of them! How about you?" She said smiling at the boy, maybe they can be friends.
Oh my! Lizzie is meeting so many people tonight! She is so happy about this, she loved meeting new people, and possible new friends. She smiled at the newest person who said hello to her. "Hello Kat!" It is very nice to meet you!" She said grinning at the older girl.
"Secrets?" Ambrose questioned, tilting his head slightly to the side in confusion at what the other girl was saying. Though the possibilities that raced through his mind made him grin at the thought of discovering them!
"What kind of secrets?"
This was the thing about being muggleborn, he clearly had no clue what he was getting himself into.
"Uh... everything," he beamed at the redhead. That was the truth. He had no clue what to expect, which he supposed was going to make everything a lot more exciting!
Originally Posted by
Lissy Longbottom
Whoa, Brent had gotten sorted already? Kane had completely missed it - he'd been too excited about his new house! He grinned and clapped him on the back. "Wish I could say I was surprised," he joked at his older brother. He'd definitely pegged him as a snake - MAYBE a Gryffindor. But he'd had a gut feeling he'd be there.
"Thanks! I thought I'd end up here...based off of what I read about all the houses. Seems pretty cool. Matches my hair," he added with a grin.
"Nice to meet you, Isa. And yeah, that would be great! So are you a second year too?" Kane asked her. She had to be, right? If she already knew about the school and wanted to show him around? Kane had yet to meet someone in his year...but he was also a terrible judge of age. This girl could be a year older than him, he couldn't quite tell.
"It's the school in America. I went there last year - I'm from California," Kane explained to the boy who had just introduced himself to him. Weird, he thought that everyone would know about that school - but then again, maybe not. Kane knew there were other schools in Europe that was totally in the dark about...
"And it's nice to meet you Ambrose! Excited about your sorting?" he asked with a chuckle, because the kid was just as hyper as HE was...maybe even more so!
Kane smiled at the older girl. "Nice to meet you Kat," he replied. He was NOT going to remember all these names though, that was for sure - it was going to take him a while. He was good with faces, but not so much the names that went with them. He figured all the new arrivals felt this way though...
"He is, but bro is like...slang too," he added with a chuckle. He always felt the need to defend his...American vernacular around people. Which was probably super unnecessary but he was afraid he'd be embarrassed if he didn't explain himself, or they'd just think he was crazy...
Ok, this one HAD to be a first year. SO MUCH EXCITEMENT. Kane laughed and nodded. "Yeah, it was pretty cool. I mean, similar to here, but less...castle like. It's not as old," he told them. It was still pretty old, though. He couldn't really compare the two schools just yet, having JUST got here...
"This ceiling is AWESOME," he added as an afterthought to no one in particular, gazing up at the night sky that was glittering above them. Did the dorms have this too?!
"Oh," Ambrose said, grinning at the slightly older Hufflepuff.
"I haven't had a chance to read anything about the wizarding communities outside of Britain yet. Well, that's not true. I read a bit about the Chinese wizarding community because my parents were curious. I think they wanted to send me back to China..." he rambled slightly towards the end, though the grin crossed his face again at the end of that.
"What's Ilvermony like? Do they also have a sorting hat? Wait... do they have houses in Ilvermony? And is it in a castle or a normal house?"
Was he excited about his sorting?
He beamed at the older boy.
"I already met Kat so I was super happy that I already knew someone in my house! And then that mind reading hat was awesome! I guess coming in I was just nervous though because none of the books mentioned the fact the sorting was done through the hat. Unless I missed that bit," he looked in thought for a moment before shrugging his shoulders.
He was pretty sure he hadn't missed it.