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Coming up from the dungeons after delivering all the luggage to the Slytherin common room the caretaker; Flynn entered the Entrance Hall, red faced and in a grumpy mood. Glancing towards the Great Hall he muttered loudly to himself "Just dandy," they hadn't begun the sorting of the new students yet which meant that Flynn had nothing else to do but wait with the younglings luggage and their noisy pets until it was over.
His eyes then landed on a girl in Hufflepuff robes some feet away from him that was walking around with her eyes to the ground as if she was looking for something. Approaching the girl Flynn asked with a raised brow. "Are you looking for something? I've already carried all the luggage and pets to the Hufflepuff Common Room."
Still looking around for her bracelet, was it possible that she had packed it, or maybe she didn't even wear it at all. She was sure she had it on when she left for kings cross. Maybe she could see if some one had found it, she could put something up on the student bulletin board about it missing if she didn't find it. Though she was really getting worried that it was lost FOREVER.
The fourth year wasn't paying much attention to anything else but the bracelet. Eyes glued to the floor the first thing she seen was shoes, someone was there. She looked up see the caretaker there standing, Mr. Flynn. Mmmm maybe he could help.
"Oh hello Mr, Flynn sir. Yeah actually I'm looking for my bracelet.I think I lost it passing thought here to the great hall." He didn't happen to see one around, did he? At least this was the last place she thought it was.