Banner Created by Holmesian Feline
Once invited inside Professor Stewart's office, you'll see that she decorated in mostly calm colors. The wall behind her desk was changed to appear as brick just like the one wall out in the seating area while the other walls are a darker shade of brown. Her desk sits in the center of the room on a large red plush rug the main splash of color in the room besides the curtain on the window.
The use of several lamps set around the room give it nice lightly and the plants set around leave the area smelling fresh and like the outdoors. There's a bookcase on one wall as well as some shelves on the walls holding books on many topics other then just transfiguration, photos from her travels as well as different small statues she picked up in her travels.
Don't be alarmed by the cat climbing structures that are placed around randomly for Cami's Bengal cat, Bonsai. He's very friendly and curious and may just come over to you and rub on your legs asking to be petted. If you happen to be allergic let her know as she always has some potions in a drawer at her desk.
So come on in and have a seat at one of the matching chairs across from Professor Stewart's desk.