Text Cut: Skylar
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Even though Skylar's mother had made sure to pack each child with plenty of snacks for the train ride, Skylar still wanted to get something from the trolley mostly because she could do so. Before even figuring out where she was going to sit for the ride - hoping she could find at least one friend or maybe Noah cause he probably would need someone since the girlfriend had her own duties to attend to - the incoming third year made her way onto the queue for the food trolley.
And what was up with the kid in front of her RAMBLING on about Merlin only knew what?? He talked more than anyone she knew and she knew a lot of people and he seemed to have something to say to practically everyone.
Uh someone please help this kid? Maybe an older student could cast a sleeping spell on him so they could all have peace on the ride to Hogwarts. Or well at least let her find a compartment far away from his, though she reckoned she might still be able to hear him. To continue to wait on line or not? It wasn't as if she didn't have snacks to last her, but she just wanted something else ...
Brent had heard great things about this trolley. First of all, it was FOOD, and he was literally starving! How long was this train ride again? He felt like he'd been on it for days now, even though he knew that wasn't the case. Then there was the fact that he'd seem like a total loser to make this whole train ride without a single piece of interesting candy to share it with. Everybody he saw up and down those corridors had candy with them, and Brent wanted some of it, too! So candy it would be.
Brent approached the line and found himself behind some girl he didn't know. That wasn't unusual for him, because he pretty much didn't know most people. Was she even in the line?
"Is this the line?" he asked, coming to a stop beside her. She looked about his age, so he guessed he should probably say something other than asking her if she knew where the line was.
"I'm Brent, by the way," he added, and then he followed that up with a flip of his hair and a hint of a smile.