Fluttery Pegasi "Only child?" That was something Hadley Denaker couldn't really conceive of. She had never been alone, without a sibling. Not even in the womb. But she knew what her sister meant to her, and even her old brother, when he wasn't being a jerk. "Sorry," she said, sympathetically. "That must be lonely?" She didn't mean it as a question, but honestly she had such trouble wrapping her head around it that it came out as one anyway.
But she could relate to the traveling thing. "My parents aren't big on traveling either. I wish they were." She'd barely been outside of California when she moved to London. And since moving, she'd gone exactly one place: back to California, and only because Dad moved back there after the divorce. "Once I graduate and move out, I am going to travel the world though." She nodded as if trying to convince herself it'll happen. "Yeah, you should. It's fun, plus it'll let you enjoy some of the magical while at home." So, you know, win win. "I'll owl you when tryouts are." Maybe they'd even be on the same team. She sized him up a bit, trying to guess which position he might play. She herself was a decent beater.
Then Canaan got quiet and pensive, staring out the window with a dreamy expression. Was he fantasizing about quidditch? She wasn't sure what to do with this, so Hads left him to his moment and turned her focus back on Asher for the moment. Asher, of course, was enjoying the chin scratches immensely.
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