Originally Posted by
Kolyander Everything that had taken place or was in progress was always known to her bestie. Rian tended to tell Miranda everything all the time, it's what girls did anyhow. So really there wasn't all to much to say that the other girl didn't already know. Shrugging her shoulders she cast another glance at her person who was already taking to the water slide without here...rude. He was having a good time though and that's exactly what this day was all about. Turning her attention back on her friend she smiled. "I know. Whatever happens happens. I'm cool with how things are right now." There was no rush with anything anymore. Day by day was how she was doing things for now.
"I think you'll be able to just so you keep things honest. You'll see...it'll be just fine." She knew it would be therefore it would be. "It's like you always say, I'm always right," Ri laughed grinning at her. "Go grab Brady and join us in the water?" That way the fun could begin!
Laughing she went to put her sandals and other clothing items she had over her swimsuit with her bag before heading up the slide. There was no screaming on her part as she sped down into the water below. Just a whole lot of laughter that resulted in a mouthful of water as she reached the bottom. After a small cough and wiping water from her eyes she made her way to Anthony. "They'll be joining us shortly."
The water was nice. The music playing in the background was even better. Anthony hadn't thought he'd enjoy coming here. And honestly, it could be better, but it wasn't bad. He was enjoying the sun and the crisp water. Plus... there was food. Something that he would be getting
and probably taking a few pieces home. Habits were hard to break when you grew up with them.
Anthony's eyes moved over Ri a few times as he waited for her to get in the water and finish up with Miranda. Miranda could join them too. Marco Polo wouldn't work with two people.
Anthony began back stroking while everything was going on. His ears were listening out for... things. This was a Hufflepuff party though. The things he was listening out for, most likely, wouldn't be done here. He heard Ri and looked over at her. "
Miranda and Brady?" He asked while starting a slow leisurely swim around her. "
I think a friend of yours isn't very happy to see me with you." He added with a smirky grin as his eyes searched the party and fell on Benton.