If you look closely you'll find a hidden room behind on of bookcases in the
seating area. If your lucky the bookcase door to the room might be slightly ajar. Walking in you see a couch with folded up blankets and pillows. To your right you see three painting desks with tons of difference sized blanket canvases. On the painting desks there are all sorts of different paints and basically any color you can imagine. Back over towards the couch are a few medium sized canvases on the floor next to an art easel with a blank canvas on it. To your left are tables and mismatching chairs. On top of the tables are sketch books and coloring books, along with crayons, markers and color pencils. Near the study tables there a smaller round table with some Astronomy books and notes that Professor Salvatore put together for the new term. Professor Salvatore believes in creativity and relaxation for all students and staff in order to succeed in life. Take a break, paint a picture, do your homework, draw, take a nap, color, read a book and chat in here. This is a room for everyone to have the freedom to express them self.
OOC: Please be respectful to the students that are reading or studying in here and don't speak too loud.