Office of Healer River Reed Beyond the smaller antechamber is Healer Reed’s office. If you were lucky enough to tour all the parts of the Hospital Wing, you would notice that his office is perhaps the cosiest. All of his furniture are in deep brown including his floor, which is adorned with a huge Brazilian Aztec rug he got as a parting gift from Castelobruxo. As you open the door to his office, you will be welcomed by the scent of peppermint, and beyond is his handsome desk filled with medical records, and other paper work. You would notice that he doesn’t have any visitor’s chair to sit on.
Just a few steps away from his table, is a medium sized work station filled with glass beakers, cylinders, volumetric flasks suspended in stands, flexible tubes, a muggle microscope, petri dishes, and perhaps plant samples in between glass slides. Underneath are huge amber bottles where a good amount of healing potions are stored. This area has a protective barrier as well so no one can contaminate his experiments.
On your right is a cosy fireplace, matched with two overstuffed armchairs. In between is a modest coffee table where a tea tray is placed, and a complete tea set for tea time. Most likely, this is where Healer Reed will invite you to sit down to have a chat, and then some. Just beside the fireplace is another door that will lead to Healer Reed’s dormitory. This room is kept locked, and protective charms are placed on the door.
If you are looking for Roscoe and Bumi, his Newfoundland rescue dogs can be seen on the left side of his office where Healer Reed has set up a cosy place for them to relax, sleep, or interact with their visitors. The area is stuffed with cushions big enough for them to lay on, and then a few are thrown in for their visitors. The two are drool offenders, so be prepared for a messy greeting. On this side, you will also see another door. This access is directly linked to the main hospital ward so that Healer Reed has quick access to his patients. Beside this door is a full wall of tea canisters, this is where Healer Reed keeps his precious tea collection. OOC: Please do not post your characters in here, unless Healer Reed instructed you to do so. He may entertain ill patients here, if he deems it necessary. Otherwise, all injured/ill patients should utilise the Patient’s Check-In Area.