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Old 12-16-2016, 08:45 PM
Stefan Stefan is offline
Default Inpatient's Bed 2

After you have been roughly assessed by Healer Reed, you will be assigned to a bed for further examination. Here, Healer Reed will examine you further, ask you questions about how you got your injury or illness, and administer his initial treatment. Dividers will be drawn from both sides, so you, the patient, can have some privacy.

Aside from the standard issued bed, Healer Reed took the liberty of providing steel chairs for your visitors. These are not meant to be comfortable, because your visitors are not meant to stay long. Apart from the chairs, there are two bedside tables where you can place your belongings. On one of the tables, there is a pitcher of clean water and glass for you to use; not all tinctures and healing potions have good taste. For those who will be staying overnight, a set of sterile pyjamas and a pair of clean socks are stowed away in one of the bedside tables. These are charmed to adjust and fit the patient.

OOC: Please do not post in this thread, unless you have been directed by Healer Reed to do so. Thank you.