12-16-2016, 06:39 PM
Hospital Wing HOUSE RULES! Hello and Welcome to Hogwarts’ Hospital Wing!
For everyone’s RPing pleasure, Healer Reed and I have set out some rules that have to be followed by everyone. In this section of SS Hogwarts, ALL SS RULES are applicable, and must be strictly followed. Violation of said rules has its consequences, so please read those carefully. If you have any question(s), please feel free to drop me a Private Message (Stefan), and I will answer your queries as fast and efficiently as I can.
Aside from the standard set of SS Rules, here are some of the other House Rules that must be observed In Character (IC) and Out of Character (OOC). Hospital Wing Rules In Character (IC) - All patients (and his/her companion if applicable) should proceed immediately to the Patient’s Check-In Area, and fill up the form;
- In the event that the patient has to be attended to his/her present location due to his/her condition, the messenger should likewise fill up the Emergency Form provided at the Check-In Area and wait for Healer Reed to attend to you;
- For the Professors and School Staff, messenger via the Patronus form is welcome, provided that the message should include the same details as you would provide in the form;
- Should the patient(s) have a severe case, he or she will be moved to the Quarantined Area of the Hospital Wing, and will be strictly contained in that room until he or she is fit enough to return to school. Quarantined patients cannot see visitors. No exceptions;
- Visitors of patients, please observe proper decorum while inside the Hospital Wing. Although this is not the Library, please be considerate to those who are currently recuperating. Loud voices and rowdy behaviour WILL NOT be tolerated. Visiting period is limited to 30 minutes only. Again, no exceptions;
- Patients and Visitors will most likely meet my rescue companions, Roscoe and Bumi. Both of my Newfoundland dogs are highly-trained, patient, and friendly; however common courtesy is to be expected from their human counterparts as well. Should one wish to take them out for a walk (or swim), please let me know beforehand.
Out of Character (OOC) - Please do not post your character(s) claiming a bed without posting in our Patient’s Check-In Area. This way, we can attend to your characters in a first come first serve basis. That way, everyone gets a chance to play;
- Take advantage of the Emergency Form provided, this is a very important part of the RP so Healer Reed (and I) will know on how to approach the situation;
- Please play your character(s) realistically. There is no way a First Year or a Fourth-year student could produce a corporeal Patronus that can talk and send messages. The option to send messages through this method is limited to professors and staff only. Sorry kids;
- It is possible for a patient to die while he or she is in a healing session. However, this is going to be the RPers call, and not Healer Reed’s. Should one wish it, the character will be moved to the “Dead Student” Usergroup. Take note that this move is going to be IRREVERSIBLE for that character, meaning he or she cannot return to the School RP for that School Term. At the end of the term, the RPer will be moved back to his or her Usergroup and may introduce a NEW character for the upcoming term.
- If there is a high demand for healing sessions, current but inactive RPs will be closed to give way for the new patients;
- If you and your character would like to take Roscoe or Bumi or both out for a walk, you do not have to ask Healer Reed every time. Just drop us a VM or PM (or a message on Twitter) and you’re good to go. Just make sure to treat River’s babies with lots of kindness (and cheeseburgers).
OOC Contact Information